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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Well I had a plan but then started on a bag of pistachios! Polished off the bag so I guess I shall plan breakfast now lol.
  2. It is rote for me, my phone is on silent before he even gets here. I must admit that I do get a bit annoyed if his phone goes off; but only more than once after I have asked if he wished to turn it off or for me to leave the room so he could deal with it! calls only come when right in the throws it seems LOL
  3. For those of you who don't know me, I am a mature, sensual, elegant and sassy lady who will lead you astray with all the experience that only maturity brings. I bring an intelligent yet exciting approach to our time together but can also turn up the heat when the moment arises! From soft and sensuous to mildly wild and uninhibited, I am a woman who likes our encounter to escalate to wonderful heights! My schedule (unless otherwise advertised) Today and tomorrow until 8pm, Friday noon til 8pm, Saturday 10 til 5pm Starting Monday November 23 until the end of July 2016, I will only be available Tuesday to thursday from 9am til 5pm. Monday and Friday same time frame but only when advertised that day. Monday and Wednesday 2pm until 8pm Evening encounters at downtown hotels are possible but only if pre-booked. Check out the about me tab on my profile page for more info! (ie donation requirements etc...) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 Kisses, Meg Please note that I only answer the phone when expecting a call and therefore request that you either text me at 613-282-1560 or email me at [email protected] in order to get the ball rolling.
  4. So glad to hear (but not really) that others suffer allergies at this time of year too! Non sufferers look at me like I am crazy!
  5. Scott, I will assume most people's list would be super long. I will start by sharing my earliest really bad f up moment. I was about 8 or 9 and my mom's boss invited us for a winter BBQ. He was (or so I thought then) a bigwig. Huge house in the country and skidoos! My dad let me sit in front of him and steer! I was so proud and so confident! We had a wonderful ride on the trails and I was sure I could bring us back to home base! For some reason I panicked, hit the gas and plowed into the corner of the garage! Totalled the skidoo and broke my dads arm....ah memories! Lol. Funny enough, my next memory includes injuries to my dad :(. He is awesome by the way!
  6. For those of you who don't know me, I am a mature, sensual, elegant and sassy lady who will lead you astray with all the experience that only maturity brings. I bring an intelligent yet exciting approach to our time together but can also turn up the heat when the moment arises! From soft and sensuous to mildly wild and uninhibited, I am a woman who likes our encounter to escalate to wonderful heights! My schedule is 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Evening appointments and encounters at downtown hotels are possible but only if pre-booked. Check out the about me tab on my profile page for more info! (ie donation requirements etc...) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 Kisses, Meg Please note that I only answer the phone when expecting a call and therefore request that you either text me at 613-282-1560 or email me at [email protected] in order to get the ball rolling!
  7. Christine, I wished you the most amazing day! May all of your birthday wishes come true!
  8. Agreed, auto reposting may indeed be the reason. But then again some ladies may prefer those hours! I wake up to many a text, message or email sent in the wee hours! Always makes me chuckle because my ad titles always state what time I am available until :)
  9. For those of you who don't know me, I am a mature, sensual, elegant and sassy lady who will lead you astray with all the experience that only maturity brings. I bring an intelligent yet exciting approach to our time together but can also turn up the heat when the moment arises! From soft and sensuous to mildly wild and uninhibited, I am a woman who likes our encounter to escalate to wonderful heights! My schedule (unless otherwise advertised) Monday and Wednesday 2pm until 8pm Tuesday and Thursday 10am until 4pm Every second Friday from 10am until 5pm Every second Saturday 10am until 5pm Sundays (Noon until 8pm) with a minimum of 48hrs. Evening appointments and encounters at downtown hotels are possible but only if pre-booked. Check out the about me tab on my profile page for more info! (ie donation requirements etc...) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 Kisses, Meg Please note that I only answer the phone when expecting a call and therefore request that you either text me at 613-282-1560 or email me at [email protected] in order to get the ball rolling.
  10. Do you know what triggers the age request? Disrespectful, immature, and "gangsta" style contact. I have met many young men who I gladly spend time with but I will outright ignore those who portray themselves like young morons. "Yo babe", "what do I get for $xxx", "wanna party" etc, while not solely a young persons MO it's more likely than an older gent.
  11. For those of you who don't know me, I am a mature, sensual, elegant and sassy lady who will lead you astray with all the experience that only maturity brings. I bring an intelligent yet exciting approach to our time together but can also turn up the heat when the moment arises! From soft and sensuous to mildly wild and uninhibited, I am a woman who likes our encounter to escalate to wonderful heights! My schedule (unless otherwise advertised) Monday and Wednesday 2pm until 8pm Tuesday and Thursday 10am until 4pm Every second Friday from 10am until 5pm Every second Saturday 10am until 5pm Sundays (Noon until 8pm) with a minimum of 48hrs. Evening appointments and encounters at downtown hotels are possible but only if pre-booked. Check out the about me tab on my profile page for more info! (ie donation requirements etc...) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 Kisses, Meg Please note that I only answer the phone when expecting a call and therefore request that you either text me at 613-282-1560 or email me at [email protected] in order to get the ball rolling.
  12. If someone is responding to a backpage ad I always refer them to lyla. I refuse to send pics as that practice is usually in support of a "pic rip". And said "pic rips" somehow are unable to figure out how to navigate the site. Furthermore, I get peeved when someone requests a face pic before booking. If I wanted that out there, don't you think I would add them in my ads? and, seriously, do I really want to meet you if the criteria includes my head shot? Sorry if I sound a bit bitchy but lately the requests have been numerous and sometimes quite outrageous! Ps....dick pics not required nor desired!
  13. For those of you who don't know me, I am a mature, sensual, elegant and sassy lady who will lead you astray with all the experience that only maturity brings. I bring an intelligent yet exciting approach to our time together but can also turn up the heat when the moment arises! From soft and sensuous to mildly wild and uninhibited, I am a woman who likes our encounter to escalate to wonderful heights! My schedule (unless otherwise advertised) Monday and Wednesday 2pm until 8pm Tuesday and Thursday 10am until 4pm Every second Friday from 10am until 5pm Every second Saturday 10am until 5pm Sundays (Noon until 8pm) with a minimum of 48hrs. Evening appointments and encounters at downtown hotels are possible but only if pre-booked. Check out the about me tab on my profile page for more info! (ie donation requirements etc...) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 Kisses, Meg Please note that I only answer the phone when expecting a call and therefore request that you either text me at 613-282-1560 or email me at [email protected] in order to get the ball rolling.
  14. Not the last thing but the next thing...big fluffy comfy fuzzy slippers and a new onesie!
  15. I bring an intelligent yet exciting approach to our time together but can also turn up the heat when the moment arises! From soft and sensuous to mildly wild and uninhibited, I am a woman who likes our encounter to escalate to wonderful heights! My schedule (unless otherwise advertised) Monday and Wednesday 2pm until 8pm Tuesday and Thursday 10am until 4pm Every second Friday from 10am until 5pm Every second Saturday 10am until 5pm Sundays (Noon until 8pm) with a minimum of 48hrs. Evening appointments and encounters at downtown hotels are possible but only if pre-booked. Check out the about me tab on my profile page for more info! (ie donation requirements etc...) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 Kisses, Meg Please note that I only answer the phone when expecting a call and therefore request that you either text me at 613-282-1560 or email me at [email protected] in order to get the ball rolling.
  16. For those of you who don't know me, I am a mature, sensual, elegant and sassy lady who will lead you astray with all the experience that only maturity brings. I bring an intelligent yet exciting approach to our time together but can also turn up the heat when the moment arises! From soft and sensuous to mildly wild and uninhibited, I am a woman who likes our encounter to escalate to wonderful heights! My schedule (unless otherwise advertised) Monday and Wednesday 2pm until 8pm Tuesday and Thursday 10am until 4pm Every second Friday from 10am until 5pm Every second Saturday 10am until 5pm Sundays (Noon until 8pm) with a minimum of 48hrs. Evening appointments and encounters at downtown hotels are possible but only if pre-booked. Check out the about me tab on my profile page for more info! (ie donation requirements etc...) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 Kisses, Meg Please note that I only answer the phone when expecting a call and therefore request that you either text me at 613-282-1560 or email me at [email protected] in order to get the ball rolling.
  17. For those of you who don't know me, I am a mature, sensual, elegant and sassy lady who will lead you astray with all the experience that only maturity brings. I bring an intelligent yet exciting approach to our time together but can also turn up the heat when the moment arises! From soft and sensuous to mildly wild and uninhibited, I am a woman who likes our encounter to escalate to wonderful heights! My schedule (unless otherwise advertised) Monday and Wednesday 2pm until 8pm Tuesday and Thursday 10am until 4pm Every second Friday from 10am until 5pm Every second Saturday 10am until 5pm Sundays (Noon until 8pm) with a minimum of 48hrs. Evening appointments and encounters at downtown hotels are possible but only if pre-booked. Check out the about me tab on my profile page for more info! (ie donation requirements etc...) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 Kisses, Meg Please note that I only answer the phone when expecting a call and therefore request that you either text me at 613-282-1560 or email me at [email protected] in order to get the ball rolling.
  18. For those of you who don't know me, I am a mature, sensual, elegant and sassy lady who will lead you astray with all the experience that only maturity brings. I bring an intelligent yet exciting approach to our time together but can also turn up the heat when the moment arises! From soft and sensuous to mildly wild and uninhibited, I am a woman who likes our encounter to escalate to wonderful heights! My schedule (unless otherwise advertised) Monday and Wednesday 2pm until 8pm Tuesday and Thursday 10am until 4pm Every second Friday from 10am until 5pm Every second Saturday 10am until 5pm Sundays (Noon until 8pm) with a minimum of 48hrs. Evening appointments and encounters at downtown hotels are possible but only if pre-booked. Check out the about me tab on my profile page for more info! (ie donation requirements etc...) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 Kisses, Meg Please note that I only answer the phone when expecting a call and therefore request that you either text me at 613-282-1560 or email me at [email protected] in order to get the ball rolling.
  19. While I do offer 30min can't say I really enjoy it. Like more time! 45min is better :)
  20. Kd on crack. You take all the leftover veggies and meat from the week and add it to fresh kd. Put in a casserole dish, top with shredded cheese and breadcrumbs. Toss in. 375 oven til bubbly and voila!
  21. Hey baby my 10 inches will blow you away! Ok buddy.....see ya! I really don't care about the size of your tool or your perceived sexual prowess. Just be kind and respectful and we will have a good time! I am running low on patience and when someone contacts me in that type of manner I shut down! Sorry but even though this is my chosen profession I do expect a certain amount of maturity and mutual respect!
  22. I think the age thing has to do with the level of maturity. If someone under, let's say 30, leads off with "hey sexy mama, want a ten inch" I won't even consider meeting him. If a 20yr old starts off with "good morning Meg I was wondering about your availability". It's all in the approach! I am not impressed by your sexual prowess I am however impressed by good manners and good grammar which you seem to have ( punctuation is a pain on an iPad! Lol). Sorry but some boys have made it bad for some young gentlemen!
  23. For those of you who don't know me, I am a mature, sensual, elegant and sassy lady who will lead you astray with all the experience that only maturity brings. I bring an intelligent yet exciting approach to our time together but can also turn up the heat when the moment arises! From soft and sensuous to mildly wild and uninhibited, I am a woman who likes our encounter to escalate to wonderful heights! My schedule (unless otherwise advertised) Monday and Wednesday 2pm until 8pm Tuesday and Thursday 10am until 4pm Every second Friday from 10am until 5pm Every second Saturday 10am until 5pm Sundays (Noon until 8pm) with a minimum of 48hrs. Evening appointments and encounters at downtown hotels are possible but only if pre-booked. Check out the about me tab on my profile page for more info! (ie donation requirements etc...) http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=27470 Kisses, Meg Please note that I only answer the phone when expecting a call and therefore request that you either text me at 613-282-1560 or email me at [email protected] in order to get the ball rolling.
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