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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. When someone asks if you a clock watcher and then needs to be told to leave over a half hour past the agreed upon time! Talk about taking advantage! Makes on think twice about seeing that person again!
  2. Recovering from being out way late after the football game.
  3. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=G&t=51473
  4. Well, I am celebrating. I have lost a bunch of weight and have maintained for four weeks today so....don't laugh, BBQ chicken pizza using a whole wheat tortilla as the crust, topped with green onion, red pepper, Brussels sprouts and low fat cheese!
  5. Rude people. Technology has created a ton of them! How did hello how are you become "cost?"
  6. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Loved it in 03 and loved it tonight.
  7. Sorry I missed it. Hope it was amazing!
  8. I don't know Joseph but his insightful post makes me like him And anticipate more posts !
  9. Not stirring the pot but after all of these useful posts I would love to hear from the OP. There have been a ton of informational posts here and hopefully a lot of education :)
  10. The forecast was way wrong so my ad title makes no sense lol.
  11. I love dogs, I love all pets but I am on my last nerve with my neighbours' dog. They let it bark incessantly and take no notice as to how much it annoys the rest of us trying to enjoy our backyard! I am seconds away from calling bylaw.
  12. Toasted tomato sandwich and cauliflower popcorn. Tomato from the garden and homemade quinoa bread!
  13. I always find these threads interesting. Who likes.... Don't fear, we don't bite, just ask the lady who you are most interested in spending time with. We are most amenable to questions that aren't necessarily addressed on our websites!
  14. May I also offer up the fact the the average Joe really has no idea of what to use as a bench mark to determine whether or not a lady is being taken advantage of. One part of the post kinda grabbed me....the part about bruising. I would be a prime candidate for an investigation if that were the case! I could just imagine how many social workers would be on my doorstep at any given time based on my clumsiness. Sure,in the case of obvious underage workers or scared and nervous workers ok but I can see how a captain save a ho could go overboard and cause a lot of problems for us independent and perfectly content escorts.
  15. Depends where you are staying. I have been to barefax (market) playmate (Montreal rd) and the nuden (st Laurent) and all are couple friendly. Additional Comments: Depends where you are staying. I have been to barefax (market) playmate (Montreal rd) and the nuden (st Laurent) and all are couple friendly.
  16. Marinated pork tenderloin and veggies stir fry on top a bed of Shirataki noodles!
  17. I once posted an ad on kijiji for some furniture I wanted to sell and used my Meg number by a mistake. The phone was off for a few hours but imagine my surprise when I had a ton of messages on it regarding the furniture. (I couldn't believe I wasn't getting any calls on my personal phone lol). Mistakes happen and I would hope that no one would use such a mistake to invade a lady's privacy!
  18. Someone once told me to never cut my own hair. Bullocks! Looks fab but a mess to clean up.
  19. Of course it's not true. However, it's pretty damn funny how gullible some people are...."if it's on the internet , it must be true!"
  20. People who actually take time out of their day to send rude and totally useless emails! Get a life you small minded prick!
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