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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Chicken burger. Cut in half with cheese melted over then placed in a tortilla which is then crisped up on the BBQ. Heaven!
  2. Was zucchini boats...zucchini stuffed with meat sauce topped with cheese and bbq'd. Foodgasm!
  3. Spicy roasted chickpeas and edamame soaked in butter with tons of sea salt-I like sucking on the pod before removing the edamame. In a past life it woulda been salt and vinegar chips and pepperettes.
  4. When you tell someone you aren't available until 8pm and they ask "how about 7:30?" Guess this falls under stupidity.
  5. Roasted cauliflower and cumin chili chicken Mexican pizza. So yum! Invented it today lol.
  6. Leave it to OD. The most entertainment I have had in a long time!
  7. John carter. Third time. Loved the book - princess of Mars by Edgar r burrows but the movie wowed me
  8. Any communications that include.... I am young and hung and handsome I really don't need to pay for sex but have x amount to offer you. Are you available? I am right around the corner. How much will x dollars get me. Do you offer a discount for students (or unemployed) There are unfortunately so many more but u get the idea
  9. Pacman boxers and a yellow cammie...total comfort!
  10. People who don't take care of their gardening equipment. Listening to your sputtering lawn mower (8 houses over) and hearing that it takes an hr to cut a small lawn drives me crazy! A simple tune up...bring it here, I will do it for free to not hear that noise! Same with your weed eater and pressure washer! Shot, do that on a Thursday or Friday evening after work.
  11. Lavender oil mixed with rubbing alcohol. Smells great and works wonderfully.
  12. Meeting a wonderful new client. Had a blast!
  13. Be yourself...well your alter ego. Don't be fake EVER! Take the time you need to prepare yourself physically and mentally for your rendezvous. If you aren't in the right frame of mind to fully commit, take a step back and perhaps reschedule.
  14. Lemon pepper grilled shrimp and scallops cooled and then set up on a spinach, red onion, tomato and cucumber salad. My mouth is watering!
  15. Hey babe as a precursor to what some think is a conversation. I am 44 so I am no one's baby; not even my dad's! (I will tolerate sweetie however, lol)
  16. Not related to this world but, I had an appointment for some seasonal work slated for a Friday morning. This was prepaid in the fall. His uncle passed away on the Thursday and He needed to rush out of town. The last thing on his mind was my appointment the next day. Sure, I was a bit peeved when he didn't respond to my calls but I realized that something must have happened. It took a week for him to get back to me but we rescheduled and the work has been done. I am sure she will refund you if she is unable to follow thru. After all, I am sure she is cognizant of the fact that anything other than a reimbursement would hurt her reputation and in turn her business. I guess if you are unable to wait a bit longer, make other arrangements.
  17. An over zealous puppy smacking his head into my jaw. Bruises and swelling :(. Not so bad now but I looked like a victim of abuse all weekend! Additional Comments: An over zealous puppy smacking his head into my jaw. Bruises and swelling :(. Not so bad now but I looked like a victim of abuse all weekend!
  18. To be perfectly honest, I don't really even like 30min appointments and certainly can't be motivated to accept a 15min appointment. I need to "feel" in the moment or what's the moment or what is the point? I could never be proud of what I could muster up in a mere 15mins.
  19. Wash your hands after using the bathroom...maybe I should be a bit crass...when u piss, flush not only the toilet but your digits too!
  20. Well, I never wear underwear....until I discovered how comfortable men's boxers are! Bart Simpson is on my ass right now! Lmao
  21. PLEASE, I urge all of you thinking of trying these type of drugs to visit your doctor and not be embarrassed! Honestly, they really don't give a shit about anything other than your health! If you are that self conscious, go to a clinic. The most important factor should be surviving the act and not how hard your dick gets! Life is more important than an orgasm! I have many friends over 50 who's doctors have even brought up the subject. It's not the fifties, it's a normal request now a days. Be safe, protect your health, become informed and THEN enjoy!
  22. This may be a bit egotistical but an awesome hair day can really lift one's spirits! It created a bounce in my step and an urge to get out and accomplish a bunch of things I was putting off! Silly I know but small things are often the source of happiness and confidence!
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