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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I hope this day was all you wished for but more importantly, all you deserved!
  2. Well, I have a Habs tshirt....perhaps some selfies are imminent!
  3. Well I slept in my jersey and put it away for another year. I am quite happy that Montreal won and hope they go all the way!
  4. I must admit that I watch with mixed feelings. I would love to see any Canadian team (well, other than Toronto) move on, my heart is with Boston!
  5. MM2 thanks for putting a smile on my face :)
  6. It is always a sad day when a contributing member decides it's time to leave but much appreciated when they announce their departure. I will truly miss your contributions! Be well Porthos!
  7. I agree with cute (Megan) pick your dream girl and ask...the worts scenario is that she says no!
  8. How about email money transfers? Anonymous both ways as opposed to credit card payments. With the credit card scenario, The provider can create a name to suit the client but vice versa, not so much. Receiving credit card payments isn't that anonymous.
  9. My highlight and low light are combined....got a sunburn on my face (nose like Rudolph) but had the greatest time ever yesterday!
  10. Shepards pie with juicy hunks of lamb and homemade gravy!
  11. Adulthood seems to be the cure! I know that sounds terrifying but it makes you forget the teenage years 20 seems to be the magic number :)
  12. A great big hug! Awesome way to break the ice! Besides...aren't all of those butterflies one of the great parts of meeting new people?
  13. Viewing a disturbing post on Facebook. Gone to cry.
  14. Asking way too personal questions right off the bat (before even meeting). Once we meet and get to know each other, perhaps we will discuss more personal issues but to ask about my personal relationships, my family life, etc., within the first 5 minutes of a conversation/text/email/chatroom convo, is just plain rude. It is none of your damn business. I don't know you so why would I share such intimate information with someone I may never meet face to face? It has nothing to do with what OUR time together will be like. Sorry, quick rant :)
  15. Traffic problems etc do happen which is why the majority of ladies won't book back to back appointments. So....IMHO the time starts once you pass the threshold (of course any late arrivals should be communicated to the lady...especially anything later than 10 to 15 minutes). Please don't view this as us being clock watchers. It's just a matter of respect for each other's time and possible other commitments either personal or professional. PS being early is sometimes worse than being late lol
  16. Yoga pants and a bra...doing the last of the tax returns on my plate!
  17. While a huge foodie I am such a wine moron. I know I love veuve cliquot but a cheap prosseco makes me smile. I like red over non bubbly white and tend to stick with a Beaujolais or a merlot.
  18. Chicken fried steak and gravy with mashed potatoes, green beans and homemade biscuits.
  19. I don't mind texting at all as long as it's respectful and conversational. I don't even mind a simple "when are you available?" I do, however hate the "rates location" type. If I am feeling generous, I will respond with my web address but I usually won't bother responding. I hate talking on the phone and avoid it as much as possible. I really get turned off by guys that assume that we must all do drugs. Ya wanna party type conversations, whether email text or voice get an immediate ignore from me.
  20. Quite frankly, it doesn't matter how you pronounce it as long as you keep coming back :)
  21. Stop seeing him would be #1. Next, do not engage..never respond to any communications. If all of that fails....restraining order!
  22. All the fixings for a totally retro Easter supper! Hello Joy of Cooking and Purity Cook Book!
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