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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I must agree, I love cat's response to this forgotten thread. In my opinion sexuality has nothing to do with age. Granted, some younger ladies may be "in it for the money" but let's not pull out the tar and feathers! I hate assumptions and stereotypes! Don't forget, that that can be reversed! The goal is to find someone that attracts you whether it be physically, intellectually, emotionally or a combination of all or one or two. As long as you have had a great time, is that not the goal?
  2. I really appreciate email as an initial contact. My query is what is the anticipated response time? I will honestly say that I won't even check my email on my personal days. Sometimes this may be 4 days in a row! To me, email indicates a future date...days maybe even weeks from now. Same day will probably never happen via email. I have things to do, a life lol! My most important form of communication for my life is texting because of its discretion when surrounded by others. My ads state that texting is the preferred method. So...all that to say that it may take more than 24hrs and up to 4 days to respond to an email. That is my business model and I won't apologize for it. At some point, someone said that we should review our business practices and maybe not spend so much time on twitter etc and spend more time answering our emails. My reply to that is that we have the right to have free time and do with that free time what we wish. A lot of ladies have schedules and calendars that are indicated on our websites. Perhaps a cursory view of the site prior to contact would make the whole scheduling aspect easy peasy!
  3. Hauling out a lounger, sticking some beers in the snow and basking in the sun with some tunes.
  4. Pinched nerve in the shoulder! Going on two months now! Owie!
  5. When on a long journey by car, guys can pee in an empty pop bottle; girls, not so much!
  6. Trying to figure out how to style your hair after a really bad haircut!
  7. Probably been stated before but.... Endless emails with questions easily answered by viewing a lady's website. There is nothing that kills the mood more quickly than someone who cannot take the time to take a simple trip to a given website. Sure, I would love to get to know you but really, only after you have taken the time to know wether you really want to know me!
  8. I live to eat but mainly live to cook. There is nothing more gratifying than trying out a new creation and seeing it disappear from the plates of your guests!
  9. Not sure why this has become SUCH an hot topic. It is what is is. A place for people to share thoughts. If you aren't open to what others may have to say then don't post (I learned that while back). Breaking crayons and storming out of the sandbox is something that should have been resolved before adulthood. If you aren't willing to at least partially absorb what others may have to contribute then you will never have the ability to grow as a person. Should not all interaction be seen as a learning experience? The great wonder is that we can never quit learning, no matter our age, growing and becoming better people. Closing ones mind adds obstacles that are not necessary. I believe that I have the capacity to learn until the day I die and my views right one will change as I go. Believe me, I am no goodie goodie trying to impress, I am just at an age now where I realize that I don't know it all and never will! PS I wasn't against the original post and would have replied to it had the discussion not veered of into this discussion.
  10. Sorry but from my POV when one starts a thread, it should be implied that there will be feedback and that some of that feedback will contain comments we don't agree with. The wonderful part of of a discussion forum is the vast amount of perspectives that allow us to broaden our views :)
  11. I kind of blame the e-world for the decline in basic humanity. Everyone is plugged in and that has led to a very egocentric society. My rant is based on a minor incident that recently happened to me. While it caused me some minor discomfort, I was able to "give back". I am not sharing this for any type of accolade but as a reminder that people have feelings, needs, requirements, emotions...well, you get the gist. So, this past Sunday I made a trip to Giant Tiger. (Yes, Giant Tiger rocks!!!!) It was about 10am but the lot was pretty full. I parked a fair bit away from the entrance but was confident in my stride as I sported my hiking boots! Twenty steps and down I went. Down hard! (a bump the size of a grapefruit on my thigh, as colourful as pansy!) Of course, first reaction was embarrassment and then a bit of panic. Try as I might I couldn't get up (life call commercial immediately sprang to my mind). Many people around, young'ins, my age, etc. NO ONE STOPPED TO HELP! As I finally realized that I should probably roll over onto my knees, a lovely woman stopped and offered her walker as a lever to get me up. Out of a ton of people over 5 minutes (OR MORE) she is the only one to show me kindness. I helped her shop for the St. Patricks day party she was having at her senior's residence. We had such a great time that I made a great big pot of Corned Beef and Cabbage and brought it over yesterday. Back to why I feel that the e-world may be ruining humanity....no one cares to help anymore! Everyone...hug someone today! Show someone, even if in a small way, that you care about all who surround you!
  12. A bottle of whiskey for; see highlights of the day!
  13. Just finished making some bacon whiskey onion jam. Now, on to some crusty bread to go with it!
  14. It's funny you mention bumping ads daily. I don't bump my ad unless available yet I find that I get a lot of traffic on the days I don't advertise. Go figure!
  15. I, myself, will spare no expense when having fun. Great food, great drinks and great friends tend to open my pocketbook. Then, when it comes to clothing, shoes, cosmetics, essentials etc, I look for the bargains. So, will will classify myself as a spendthrift 10% of the time :)
  16. The simple solution would be delete! Don't bother reading beyond the point that you realize what the PM is about and then delete it without responding. No one is holding a gun to your head! Never engage with someone who's views, message or attitude don't jive with yours.
  17. My advice would be to strike up a conversation with someone you are interested in. Connect via the online world and let her get to know you before trying to book a date. If you can create a good rapport, perhaps she will reconsider and arrange a meeting. What Malika said is sad but true. Prove that you aren't a 20 something jerk and maybe you will reap the rewards :)
  18. This can take various turns but I wish to start with one issue. When pre-booking, be it 6hours, a day or a week in advance, make sure that your schedule allows for it. Sure things come up that require a cancellation but if you are an all call worker, don't book when on call! If you are travelling for business, don't confirm until you are certain of your itinerary, if you are just horny, wait til you are sure you can make it!
  19. A wicked headache at the base of my skull that radiates to the right side of my forehead. 3days now and Tylenol ain't cutting it!
  20. Procrastinating, staring at the vacuum hose knowing that it needs to get done!
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