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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. My favorite culinary moment was a feast brought to me but I only remember the cool whip! Wink wink.
  2. OMG royal, separated at birth? I am sitting in my theater type lazy boy (cup holder, junk food receptacle etc) in my too big pj pants, eating pumpkin seeds with beer and watching .... Wait for it... American Idol and crying when they sing. I am so pathetic! Next, cheezewhiz and whatever I can find to scoop it out of the jar with. Hmmm I have salt and vinegar chips. Wait, baconnaise with cheezewhiz on my finger!
  3. Funny, every time this thread comes up my answer is Skittles. Today, though, sour Skittles!!!!
  4. Cerb is becoming a great venue and I find that it is growing due to the ladies promoting it to gents who find them via BP et al. As a provider, I give prioriry to Cerb members so don't be shy about your handle!
  5. John Caines hosts a very popular call in radio show dealing with home renovations. I would like to start a thread where cerbies could ask for suggestions and give advice regarding renos, car maintenance, electronics gardening, etc.... Let's share our hidden knowledge and abilities :) This is the "how to" thread (how to anything....scrapbooking, stainglassing, photography etc....) so share what you are knowledgeable and passionate about and ask questions about what you want to learn!
  6. Recos and repeat visits are both equally great compliments!
  7. Minor thread hijack. My neighbor came by with her 4yr old granddaughter today. After a bit, the little girl asked me where my dog was. I told her that I didn't have one. She then asked why I had a dog walking machine. I asked her what she meant and she pointed at the treadmill saying that they had the exact same dog walking machine at home. LMAO. K, back to music!
  8. Meeting two wonderful cerb members in one day!
  9. On the treadmill Boom Boom Pow over and over lol although a few other BlackEyed Peas songs keep me going.
  10. Meg O'Ryan


    Thanks a bunch! I knuckled down yesterday, pulled everything out and went to town. I got everything working properly! (after many frustrating hours lol) As a reward, I bought some 3D glasses and watched Avatar! Now, the next task is to cut down the number of remotes I need....that will be for a day far in the future! Thanks to you all and to those who sent me PM's.
  11. Meg O'Ryan


    Not looking to barter but looking for knowledgeable company that can come in and hook up all of my media to interact with each other efficiently and also to set up my home network. Suggestions? What I have googled does not make me feel comfortable...menu pricing for stuff I don't understand. Send me some recs from companies you trust!
  12. Wires, cords, connectors oh my! Good god damn! Trying to get the new tv to work with the new hd box, existing PS3 and ancient Philips surround sound system. About to start throwing shit thru the window! I have managed to get the he box working and the PS3 but no surround!
  13. No worries! Not a jab at you at all. Just saying that really, when it comes down to it, it's the pooner's responsibility (ultimately) to ensure he isn't engaging someone under age.
  14. I agree with the biology but desires and fantasies are controllable urges to which satisfactory outlets can be found. We are sentient beings whose intellect can determine right from wrong, even if those rules are forced on us by society. A well grounded person will make every attempt to heed the law and find a way to satisfy their urges within its boundaries. Ya, I know, kinda hypocritical of me considering my profession but hey...never claimed to be perfect lol. Wanna see mg in pigtails and bobby socks?
  15. IMHO this is in no way haggling. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement!
  16. I have kept my views in check of late, mostly due to other priorities. I enjoy reading views that differ from mine as I see it as a learning experience. As long as no overt animosity is present, I am all in when people share their views...I love cerb!
  17. I always find it funny when someone wants to see me "right now". I need time to primp! Is it wrong of me to want to put my best foot forward? Contrary to popular belief, we ladies go to the gym, we go to work, we volunteer, we walk our dogs, we go to the store, we change flat tires, blah blah blah. Essentially what I am saying is that we don't sit around perfectly coifed! A little rant to solidify the fact that as serious and professional providers we choose to see you when we are at our absolute best! Your pleasure is my desire!
  18. Summer Olympics. Although a good movie trumps all.
  19. I am gonna post with emotions raging rather than a well thought out response. First of all, teenage prostitution would not exist if there wasn't a market for it. As much as I believe that the clients should be able to come forward without fear of any legal charges in order to help these girls, another part of me thinks that they should face consequences for seeking out these girls in the first place. I am on the fence as to the solution to this obvious problem but my conviction still lies with the fact that the "johns" drive the need. To the little heads....seriously, when looking at an ad or seeing pics, are there not signs that would clue you in? Anyhow, peace out band I will shut my mouth now :)
  20. Figure skater...those exquisite lines! Elbows or knees?
  21. Nothing is ever black or white which is why some topics may be difficult to determine one's feelings about. Take your hesitation as a sign that you want to know more about the subject. It has you interested enough, it is worthy of investigation. I see that as an inquisitive mind and that's a good thing. Inquisitive people tend to not make brash decisions and tend not to impose their beliefs on others.
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