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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I wouldn't dream of not being freshly bathed before a date! I have had people ask me not to wash my privates or my feet for a few days....never gonna happen!
  2. I agree with you RG however, there are many topics of conversation which do not include one's love life. I really can't recall a time that I have asked a companion about his marital status or current love life. I find that chatting about interests, hobbies a far more stimulating and telling conversation :)
  3. Jus received an invite for supper from my son and his g/f. First time visiting their first apartment. (About time, they have been there for 7 months but finally have it totally furnished. Wouldn't let me see it til perfect lol)
  4. Quite frankly, does it really matter what we do or who we do it with during our personal time? No answer will ever be the right answer and therefor I prefer not to discuss my personal love life. You are coming to see me because of the persona I have created online, why ruin the fantasy? When you are with me I am Meg the super sexy MILF and that is what really matters :) PS, if it really matters that much to you, perhaps you are not ready to hobby!
  5. Loose leaf tea brewed in a coffee maker. Coffee is usually after diner or a Sunday brunch with Carolann's or Kaluahua or anything alchoholic!
  6. Lover Under Armour! The boxer briefs are sexy!
  7. How pretty the snow is when you have nowhere to go and don't have to worry about digging out! Tomorrow will be another story!
  8. Flesh coloured. I seldom wear undies....photos shoots or special requests only :)
  9. Meet a bunch of buddies at the local bar....early in order to get good seats...beer and munchie platters. Then, beat all their butts on the football pool, rake in all the dough and hopefully come away with the door prize again lol.
  10. Taking a break from deep cleaning and spaghetti sauce making :)
  11. To a fellow aquarian, May your day be filled with love and joy!
  12. A cute little coffee maker with a timer on it for my ensuite bath....steeped tea when I wake up! Yippee!
  13. I am in no way comparing the two. I am talking about a successful business person's approach to dealing with friends in business. Very different discussion.
  14. I am not up to date on this thread but a thought/memory occurred to me. When I owned a business, I had many client that were also close friends who happened to own businesses as well. My particular biz offered both services and products individually or in tandem. All of my friends paid my firm for my offerings and I did in kind. Now because of the friendship, I will admit that in the priority sequence, they usually came first as did I with them. For those who own restaurants, I might get an after dinner shooter on the house. For those who own car dealerships, I might get a free oil change. I never expected anything from them nor did they expect anything from me. We still remained friends after the exchange of the agreed upon monetary transaction. It never diminished our friendship and never undermined it. Business is business period.
  15. Pretty sure you have been here long enough to know that this kind of post is not allowed
  16. 6 weeks ago I bought an e-steam package and have been cigarette free since. The package includes two battery devices. I misplaced one today and didn't realize it until the oter ran out of "steam". Damn, damn, damn! I fought the urge to run to the corner store however.
  17. Chicken quesadillas and a spinach sale. God I love my George Foreman grill!
  18. Wow, I feel dirty after reading this thread! Heads up. Reputable, well reviewed ladies are the ones you should be looking to spend your time with. There are many discussions about ladies screening requirements but the same goes for you gentlemen. If you want to toftt then don't complain! Iny opinion, there are enough ladies out there that are legit, beautiful, and deliver as promised. If you want to venture into unknown territory then all the power to ya and tell us about the gems! Sorry, just read the whole thread and feel worse.
  19. I really don't get why the service ends once a true friendship evolves. Explain please!
  20. I see that I am in good company! Have a very Happy Birthday!
  21. I certainly am not a guy nor can I relate to your issue. I used to be involved in a biz that had me totally stressed and as a consequence, sex was a very low prority but a lacking necessessity. At 30, or thereabouts, I doubt that the blue pill is warranted. Your lack of desire is directly attributed to the stress levels produced by your job and further compounded by the stress you put on yourself because of your diminished sex drive. A human's sex drive thrives and wanes not only because of testosterone/hormones but also because of outside factors. The only sure fire way to regain your drive is it ignore the stress and thoughts from the big brain. More on this to come....I gotta go!.
  22. If you don't like earthy flavours then truffles are not for you! If you are a mushroom fan, truffles are almost orgasmic. I concur with the evaluation of truffle oil, it's also a major waste of money!
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