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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. After a fitting today 34dd who knew!
  2. I have been a Bruins fan since the mid eighties although I do cheer for my home team...the Sens when Boston isn't playing!
  3. Communication seems to be so damn difficult! It really would solve a lot of problems don't ya think!?
  4. Can you effectively complain about a neighbor whose music (the base) actually makes your walls vibrate? This is a single home with atleast 40feet between houses!
  5. Totally unorganized. Lines were crazy and when finally got my chosen gold, it turned out to be a dud! Also, no promised music or heat lamps! Hopefully they learn from their mistakes and improve next year!
  6. Well you may be older but what firm what i gather, you ain't old! Not even after this birthday. Have a good one!
  7. What type are you? Do you cum and then get out of dodge or do you prefer to savour the moment, chit chat, snuggle and maybe go for round two? Why do you like your MO? Please describe what the allure is to your approach. (No wrong answers here!)
  8. It's been happening forever. What a great venue to take to task very tv prominent victims in an attempt to clean up the senate? Whatever!
  9. I agree with you both. They have a place but it's not now!
  10. Ridiculous or a good idea? What message is this sending to the youth it is targeting? Should we not be teaching the fact that we are not celebrating war but embracing the memory of those who fought for our freedom? Does this white poppy not change the intent of the original red? I, for one, am against this new trend...thoughts?
  11. Here is a sight that offers up some traditions from around the world. http://www.wanderlust.co.uk/planatrip/inspire-me/lists/top-5-alternative-christmas-dinners I'm kinda digging the Netherlands...everyone around the stove, eating, drinking, enjoying! Heck, when I'm cooking the big feast they are there anyway and I'm stressed. This could move into a kind of cook off. Each person (or couple) brings a dish to the table (counter), and we all enjoy!
  12. Just want to thank you for all pf your insightful and respectful posts!
  13. Responding to threads on my ipad and much later realizing that autocorrect has made me sound like an idiot!
  14. Great conversation! My take on it is...vive la difference!
  15. And that would be why you have the right to choose the provider that meets your needs and the providers have the right to refuse those that don't meet their requirements! :)
  16. My my, aren't we the nefarious bunch! Or perhaps we are all thought to be silly enough to imagine that telemarketing would be a good idea. How about professional suicide; much easier than retiring! Your privacy and discretion is as important to us as our own. That being said, if you feel that insecure, when you call or text make it clear IF there is a time frame in which she can contact you or if you wish for her to wait for YOU to contact her back. If someone tells me to not call or text after x o'clock then why would I? There are only a few gents that I will text out of the blue but that is because I was given permission and we have forged a friendship. We aren't money grubbing, uneducated sloths looking to solicit at any given time. Trust goes both ways!!!
  17. I don't eat turkey the day of but next day, turkey, miracle whip and wonderbread sandwiches and day three cranberry sauce on toasted English muffins for breakfast and turkey tetrazzini for supper! The day of the actual meal mashed taters, stuffing and gravy!
  18. The arguments I have read so far (just skimmed the thread) about not paying ahead of time are ludicrous. Why on earth would I ever trust someone I had never met before to follow thru at the end our our encounter. I would be on edge, anxious and not a heck of a lot of fun; but hey, if that gets you off, guess it's another story!
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