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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. A big hug to you bcguy! I would expect that it's a group hug!
  2. I love the saying and with permission, would like to use it in an email to a family member! My thoughts are with you sweetie and I know you will use your strength to cherish all of the wonderful memories you obviously have! Hugs to you!
  3. Oooh let us know! Wanna pass it on after lol Additional Comments: Oooh let us know! Wanna pass it on after lol
  4. In 2 and a half minutes...a baconator. Sometimes one much splurge!
  5. I like thumper because of the image his name conjures but I also like him cause he can't follow the rules lmao.
  6. I like Isabella because we used to have such fun in the chat room! I really ought visit more often.
  7. It's very unfortunate that some ladies have not grown out of their teenage mentally. One would think that mean girls would change once out in the real world but apparently not.
  8. Go to your private messages and at the top it says jump to folder. Click on the down arrow and select sent messages :)
  9. I fixed the ice maker in my fridge and the washing machine! Sorry Mr repairman, I don't need to wait around for you after all!
  10. You are strong and full of life....beat this crap my darling!
  11. I love the fall! So sports fans...predictions, match ups you are looking forward to, what do you like about the game(s), favorite players, biggest gripes etc.... Lets talk fall/winter sports! Getting ready to pull on my jersey and watch to watch tonight's game!
  12. Well it seems that the torch is being passed on...if you need any help RG, I got some goodies!
  13. A kid in the neighborhood is learning to play the tuba....it's awful and its loud!
  14. I really liked Durham County. It was on for 2 seasons and then disappeared :(
  15. I really don't want you to stop! My dad used to send me jokes everyday but for some reason stopped....I can't have you stop too!
  16. Spent the afternoon with Hitchcock. Family Plot, Vertigo, Rear Window and To Catch a Thief. All quite good!
  17. Apparently, according to my new hair stylist, my hair will never hold colour for very long. My gorgeous milk chocolate with a hint of cherry is already going back to blond! Oh well, it's nice anyways!
  18. Omg od. So sorry to hear that! Have they arrested anyone yet?
  19. It really is quite simple. Communication is the key to any successful relationship be it romantic, business, family or friendship. In this case, romantic, if you can't divulge your needs, wants, desires, pains etc...then you are with the wrong person. Secrets and holding back important feelings can only result in pain and confusion! The only way to be truly happy in a relationship is to trust the other person enough to learn to deal with your feelings and vice versa. If you don't put it out there how will they ever know and how will you ever know that they love you enough to deal with it?
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