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Meg O'Ryan

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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I am wishing you nothing less than a fantastic birthday! Big kisses!
  2. The majority of the Rookie Blue cast is canadian. It's a great show!
  3. Age is but a number! Younger, older or somewhere in between, each experience is unique and brings with it excitement, joy and pleasure. To limit oneself is sad but it is a choice to be made come what may.
  4. To cut to the chase....no diet will ever be effective without exercise. You nee to burn more calories than you consume and the only way to do that is to be active. Base your calorie intake on your desired activity level instead of vice versa (that's where a lot of diets fail...they tell you to eat so much but forget how to tell you how to burn the calories) After that, it's all will power. Smart eating can let you consume more foods with less calories. By smart I mean healthy...cut DOWN on the usual culprits but don't deprive yourself. Smaller portions if eaten slowly can be just as satisfying. Never deprive yourself unless you have super willpower. The goal should be long term and life long not a quick loss of some lbs. don't forget, muscle weighs more than fat so keep on working out!
  5. At some point in the past, therE was a thread where sp/ma's included their wish list as well. Forgive me but searching on the iPhone is a pain! Additional Comments: Yes my sweet Malika, it was either 2010 or 2011 wish list :)
  6. I had an interesting interchange today that I won't elaborate on more than to say....Bill Clinton. So the question is what acts are considered within the rhealm of a sexual encounter with an in an sp? In my mind...everything but then again, I may be mistaken.
  7. Lee and web....muah! (Garlic and olive oil)
  8. Did they publish the age of the ladies in the poll? That could have a lot to do with it. I am not ancient but my mom was old beyond her years. I learned about the birds and the bees at recess! Because of my mom's prudish nature, I felt that madturbation was probably something bad and secretive when I was young....didn't stop me tho! Now....I will touch myself at every opportunity!
  9. When did actually reading, because sooooo tedious? Is is not simple to extricate the pertinent information? Guess not!
  10. Well, I walked toward my tomato plants this morning and realized that the grape tomatoes are abundant and ripe! Penne aglio e olio with grape tomatoes and maybe some capers :)
  11. 1) Pulp Fiction 2) Dirty Dancing 3) any Austin Powers movie 4) Legally Blond 5) any Vin Deisel movie
  12. My pet history has leaned to the somewhat exotic zone and because of discretionary needs I will not elaborate other than to say they have all been wonderful. My current little boys are sooo human centric! I have ever seen a pet so very attuned to its humans schedule. Truly an infatuation even though they drive me nuts.
  13. Em's perrogies have me drooling! I put a bunch of veggies, some stewing beef, some Guinness and various spices and beef broth in the crockpot this morn...stew anyone? Just whipping up some Irish soda bread for dipping!
  14. I like Halifaxman cause he is from my hometown.....don't know enough about you yet but I am sure your posts will make you shine!
  15. http://www.bakonvodka.com/ Imagine a bacon vodka Caesar!
  16. In response to Empty83, I do not like the feeling. I have no mental blocks or issues with it, I just plain don't like it :).
  17. I am gonna go with realnicehat on this one. I tend to think that the taboo aspect makes it that much more enticing. I remember that everything I ever wanted to do that my parents forbade where the things that I would seek out the most. It's human nature to experiment and the forbidden must be the best, right? Personally, I have no desire to offer up my poop shoot to any kind of entry as it is not arousing to me in the least. I have no issue with those who enjoy it and I quite like obliging a man with such a request (on him not me obviously). If it feels good, great! If it doesn't then the curiosity ends there!
  18. Further to Emily's post.... I hate a scripted encounter no matter the time frame! Lets just have fun and whatever happens within the allotted time frame is all good!
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