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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. That stupid ticky tacky song at the start of Weeds
  2. I will echo that a deposit should be mandatory.
  3. I agree 100% but for some ladies it really is a matter of preference and she should be allowed to make any decision she wishes when sharing herself in an intimate manner :)
  4. Into season 2 of weeds so far and I love it. Crushing on Romany Malco and Elizabeth Perkins.
  5. As long as your willy is clean it doesn't matter how he dresses for the party!
  6. Wow...King of Queens is my number one all time sitcom followed by.....are u ready? Everyone Loves Raymond Seinfeld Family Guy Frasier Cosby show I could go on and on forever! Love channels like Dejavu etc that show old comedy series.
  7. Right now I am sooooo happy that pre-season football is on air and breathlessly awaiting hockey! Next would be the bounty my veggie garden is about to spit out for my canning session. Finally, deciding to go with short finger nails!
  8. I can't post the pic using my ipad but its Jean-luc Picard sayin.. "Why the fuck is McDonald's the official restaurant of the Olympics?" Random "made me laugh" moment of the day.
  9. Half wavy, half curly hair and short nails....ahh! Freedom!
  10. I check it out once in a blue moon....hey, wait, that was yesterday, I am overdue!
  11. I am in favor of a frivolous general area :) We all need a bit of comic relief, a bit of laughter and a bit of nonsensical fodder in order to relieve some stress so a special thread that could encompass all the pics (best of etc) and games would be great...kinda like the jokes category!
  12. There are lots of curvy ladies....check out the pics. I would think curvy and well endowed (k that sounds silly...but I am sure you know what I mean lol) would fit quite a few beauties here!
  13. My last post but true wisdom has nothing to do with a man's wealth!
  14. Dark chocolate with sea salt! OMG orgasmic!
  15. That's a shame....if you open up enough you may get some really useful information....wisdom comes from an open mind!
  16. I love the witty good morning posts, the "I am enjoying..." posts, the what are you up to posts, the join me in chat posts, etc....perhaps we should look at making the shout box a fun place and disallow any and all advertisements!?
  17. I don't dare speak for anyone but it was offensive to refer to the respondents as pimps, whores and johns so retaliatory remarks are par for the course unfortunately.
  18. There are a few of us in Orleans, myself, Nicolette and Angela come to mind.
  19. You started this thread for advice, no? I think the responses, for the most part have been well intended. You have obviously made up your mind and are not open to hearing differing points of view and perhaps taking the opinions and reflecting on them and how they may potentially affect your predicament. Attacking people who are simply offering up an opinion to the question posed by you is not a great solution. I wish you the best and hope that you come to a workable solution to your dilemma.
  20. Ah, the age old story of unrequited love. Movies, tv shows and novels have all added to the romanticism that such a notion would always end up with the happily ever after scenario. Real life doesn't work that way. Now, while the hobby we are all involved in does afford a much more intimate connection than any other business transaction, I have know people who have had infatuations with the person who serves them coffee every morning, the person at the next cubicle, the sales rep who comes into the office everyday etc... You must keep in mind that your feelings are probably one sided and to put her in an uncomfortable situation is extremely selfish on your part! Your feelings are probably misguided and therefore you are the one who must sever the ties and move on! You might also want to consider that this hobby may not be appropriate for you. If you are seeking a new relationship, hobbying is not the venue in which you will likely succeed.
  21. Ever since my early twenties I was attracted to a man with s&p or completely grey hair!
  22. A this point in my life I really don't care what others think. I dress how I want, I act how I wish and defy anyone to make me feel differently! Life is too short to conform to the trappings of society's perceived notions of maturity! In short, do and be what makes you happy!
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