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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. While have not yet found an artist that i could trust enough to permanently place a meaningful image on my body, I love tattoos and the stories behind them! I stayed away from piercings (other than the typical little girl wish for pierced ears) til a few years ago. Now, While i am very vanilla when it comes to such things, I did get a piercing which did not heal the way I wanted. To me it looks odd....should I consider it beautiful and wear what I desire or let it continue to be the little mark I regret?
  2. Thank you for the info peeps! I haven't actively sought out icecream in quite awhile but this has inspired me to bring back some childhood memories. My parents would buys a huge tub (like you see at an ice cream store) of rocky road and a Neapolitan and put it in the huge freezer in the basement. As soon as we got home from school, we would grab bowls and spoons and raid the freezer!
  3. To be perfectly honest, I have often seen people off in the distance and even at the next table, that I have been with. I do not make eye contact and go about my business. I have even seen ladies who I know are providers but have never approached them in public. Discretion is just as important for us as for you. While there may be some ladies (although I hope they are few) who would ever publically acknowledge you, my feeling is that the vast majority would just walk on by as to not cause an uncomfortable situation. See your local ladies! You may be missing out on some incredible moments!
  4. I haven't worn jeans in a few years. I have found wonderful fakes that look like skinny jeans but are really just leggings. They look real (pockets and zipper). I can't find them anymore but bought a shit load about a yr and a half ago so I am good for a bit longer!
  5. Not big on sweets but rocky road is a great memory! Haven't seen it around in an awfully long time!
  6. People who put their garbage out the day before pick up!
  7. Gardening....specifically pulling weeds, those pesky invaders must be eliminated! Reading...anything I can get my hands on but quirky fiction is my fave. Stupid hidden treasure type games or mystery on my ipad...I tend to have a few puters on the go at one time. Trolling around the country side visiting small towns...in a convertible or a motorcycle. People watching on the market...and making up stories about those who interest me. Cooking for lots of people...NOT baking! Singing....not the next Mariah but do it all the time! Cleaning...not a hobby but a compulsion.
  8. Foiling the attempts of a trouble maker!
  9. When I first embarked on this adventure, I thought I was too old. A friend reminded me that the hottest, most successful female actors are in their forties and up. Now, granted a lot of them have had a bit of "help", who can deny the ultimate sexiness that a sexually confident mature lady exudes. There comes a time when a woman embraces her strengths and ignores her perceived short comings. With age comes acceptance. I feel that I am beautiful and therefore act as such. I remember my late teens and early twenties, I wouldn't leave the house (even to run for milk) without fully styled hair and makeup. I covered my freckles, I tamed my curls, I accented my invisible lashes and plumped my skinny lips. Now I embrace what I used to think of as flaws and rejoice in my incredible sexual appetite; another great milestone to the aging process. As a younger women, I was so preoccupied by what I should look like and do that sex was almost a chore and not an enjoyment. Now....while I love to please, I can finally allow myself to be pleased. Errr....forgot the topic of the thread, went off on a tangent lol.
  10. Cancer would be number one because it hits very close to home for me. Animal cruelty would be number two. If I could afford it I would adopt/foster every single animal I have been in contact with.
  11. Great news....doing the happy dance, naked, but very carefully!
  12. Ugh. Blisters on my heels cause I wore runners without socks. Broke a finger nail to the quick. Broke a toe nail to the point of bleeding. I am such a clutzy person...save me!
  13. Not being able to walk around naked in my own house. Not being in control of the remote Noise late at night or early in the morning Stress fracture Needing a highlight lol
  14. You need a good massage from one of the wonderful cerb ladies :)
  15. House guests that don't seem to wanna leave. Unexpected expenses. Composing an important but long email only to have your computer freeze before saving. Five nicks and cuts from simply doing housework. Ugh is today almost over?
  16. Dang, I missed your bday! Hope it was full of lucious boobies!
  17. Sorry Em don't wanna hijack but hot wet Harley orgasms!
  18. Black Eyed Peas....a medley. Fun for pool aerobics.
  19. About to skinny dip...short stop over on the way for towels.
  20. Discovering forgotten routes while the wind kissed my skin and the sun shone above me with the thunder clouds making way!
  21. Can't cut and paste using my ipad but...is this puppy love? "Tiny" is soooo adorable....I will call him george. I will love him and pet him and squeeze him! http://www.carolynstoykennel.sitew.ca/#Chihuahua_Teacup_Pups_Available_in_Ottawa_.A
  22. I love sour candy but after a trip to sugar mountain and a shockingly bright blue tongue, I may have to give it a rest! I actually color coordinated my outfit to match my tongue today! Hmmm if I had the time, that could be a pretty great photo op lol.
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