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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I hate this as well and makes me leery to communicate with these people although, I do believe, that male members must make their profile private in order to have photo albums. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  2. Buying the most perfect gift for the most wonderful person!
  3. I would have to say that for me, my acceptance of a visitor is based mainly on respect, personality and maturity (maturity as in language skills, personal interaction skills...I think you get it). I have seen people of many different ethnic backgrounds and many different age groups. My decisions to carry on communications are based on how you present yourself to me. Race, religion and age are never my first worry. It is unfortunate that some people have made a bad name for certain races and you can never fault a lady for deciding who she wishes to be intimate with; it is after all ultimately her decision. Fortunateone is right, look for restrictions on a ladies site and seek out those who meet your desires :)
  4. Creating a new dish. I think this one will be a real winner!
  5. Wow my last post but who the fudge created a poll when I am the original op. had I known the impact I would have. Anyhow.....have fun y'all!
  6. Now don't be sassy...you are way to sexy for that! No hijack sweetness....I like the cut of ur jib!
  7. Steve....here is where a word can have a different significance for different people and in different situations! I am with you where as I can act respectfully even if you really dont garner any true respect from me. So, essentially that makes me polite. Funny how one word can have many definitions and can be interpreted to suit the emotion or point an individual is trying to convey. Rock on stenemcqueen you is good people!
  8. It is never acceptable other than at the start to say you've arrived and after to say you've left. My phone stays on silent and I expect the same from my guest. Hmmm kinda links in with the respect thread!
  9. I agree 100% with real's post. I will always show everyone respect in my dealings with them but I won't "feel" the respect unless I see the worthiness. I hope this isn't misconstrued but lets be honest, a classy person will always be nice to a jerk lol.
  10. Is my game too hard? If so, gimme some new rules :)
  11. Kicking myself for even starting such an important thread. It's now a joke. So sad.
  12. I like meaghan because she is beautiful, intelligent and thought provoking!
  13. Thank you soooo much cyclo. I apologize to all for using the wrong terminology and am quite happy that most of you understood me even if I were not eloquent enough to get my point across as completely as cyclo! Over and out with smiles on my face!
  14. But then again, they are as accurate as most polls...only those who participate truly have a voice in said poll and therefor we can never truly know how the majority feels. I do, however, agree with your comment.
  15. Rules Post you answer and a new hint. The answer to the new hint must contain a letter from the previous answer. Example: Hint Creole vegetable Answer Okra Hint 5k, e.g. Your turn to answer, remember, the answer must contain atleast one letter from the previous answer.
  16. Knowing I am on the mend as I was able to get out and do some groceries! Thank you Advil!
  17. I posted a completely valid thread in the newbie section and it has gotten way out of hand. I wil ask that the Mod close this to any further discussion as the original intent of the post has been skewed. I value the need for Cerb and the wonderful opportunity to perhaps improve things. When dissent and lack of respect infiltrate a perfectly valid post I get a bit peeved. Night all, I shall move on to real life now.
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