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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I don't see the point in lying about ones age, not a great way to ensure repeat encounters. A couple of years ok but a decade? Wow! Do people really try to pull that off. Guess I am naive!
  2. Hmmm I guess posts can't really be considered conversations....such as, in they should be able to evolve. Perhaps the next time I start a thread I will think up every objection and take a few hours formulating my thoughts before starting a thread that was meant to be helpful. There will always be different views on every single subject that could possibly ever be discussed, yes, discussed. An online forum is a faceless version of a discussion but putting words into someone else's mouth is not appropriate.
  3. Excruciating pain that can only be dulled and must run its course.
  4. An offered/advertised special is far different than a flat out negotiation. I also never implied to speak for all ladies, actually, I made it quite clear that I didn't. Thank you for understanding the most important reason for this thread tho :) .... Reading ads and websites thoroughly is the only way to go!
  5. Number 1...the swimming pool. Number 2...getting all sweaty during sex and then laying back as the A/C cools us down. Number 3...running thru the sprinklers.
  6. I am quite comfortable with my original post thanks. Additional Comments: Yeah, not everyone is "athletic" I guess :) I made a post about something that I feel is important to relay so that all involved can have the best experience possible. If you don't agree the the view that a lot of us see as important, then you are more than welcome to seek out those ladies who will support your view. Apparently, there are a lot of them so I don't see a problem Peace all!
  7. There is one HUGE point that seems to consistently be glossed over be the "negotiators". The facts that, if an ad or a website clearly states the duration and donations offered with the addition of "prices are firm and shall not be negotiated", then, yes, it is rude to negotiate. Quite simple really. Additional Comments: There is one HUGE point that seems to consistently be glossed over be the "negotiators". The facts that, if an ad or a website clearly states the duration and donations offered with the addition of "prices are firm and shall not be negotiated", then, yes, it is rude to negotiate. Quite simple really.
  8. A wonderful back rub from a real sweetheart!
  9. Yes, they will always exist but it is great to have a forum where we can discuss things that make us happy as well as things that irk us as long as it is done in a courteous manner. Cerb is awesome because of this and it's openness to frank discussions. I wouldn't change a thing :)
  10. Wonderful! Thank you for posting this. PS I want those shoes!
  11. It seems to come in waves, none for weeks and then 5 in a day.
  12. Tending a bloody finger after cutting it on a piece of foil. Ugh.
  13. I like where you are going Cat. What we offer is a luxury and not a necessity. Luxuries are purchased with disposable income or with monies expressly saved for the luxuries we desire. If you do not have the available funds for such a luxury then you must either save up or keep on dreaming! Bargaining for an item is one thing but bargaining for someone's time is insulting! Do your research and find someone who offers what you can afford or settle for the palm sisters.
  14. Hahahahahahahahah good one pretty lady! I once heard someone mention that we aren't Walmart....there ain't no smiley faces above our heads!
  15. A sparkling clean house! Now what I am gonna do during my free time? Cerb chat, whatch out!
  16. is not acceptable! This isn't a flea market. Take the time to find out what options a lady offers (ie length of time and corresponding donations) and either book with her or continue your search! BTW "can you do x amount of time for x amount of donation?" is akin to negotiating!
  17. House cleaning, the deep cleaning kind! Yup, base boards, door frames, vents etc... Make me stop! Lol
  18. Tuna sandwich loaded with mayo, onions, red peppers, relish, celery, really old shredded cheddar on sunflower seed bread toasted in a panini press.
  19. My extreme fantasy is currently fodder for an erotic novel...stay tuned!
  20. Thanks MP. Unfortunately gender bias is still a very real issue but those who believe it are certainly stuck in the past.
  21. All I know is that my dad always said I can be as good as or better than any man I know. My life choices will/are only limited by my own dreams and desires. If a fella sees me as "less" than him then he is not gonna spend any quality time with me :). Daddy raised a conceited girl and I will never apologize for my success and my ambition!
  22. Pet food and a red bull Two addictions :)
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