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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Tess appears to be a straight shooter...no bullshit. That is a quality that is very important to me. Keep on keeping on girl!
  2. It took me most of my 43 years to realize that I am great just the way I am at any particular moment. As for changing things, perhaps I would change some of my past decisions, but then again, I wouldn't be the "me" I am now!
  3. I hope your day is full of wonder and surprise and that your loved ones are surrounding you!
  4. Meg O'Ryan

    Bikini Season

    While I LOVE my huge bikini collection, nothing beats skinny dipping!
  5. White wine, steamed lobster with garlic, chili, chive butter and potato salad!
  6. Personally, even if legalized in Canada, I wouldn't ever consider it. I like privacy in all aspects of my life and couldn't imagine ever enjoying such an arrangement and if I am not enjoying myself how could I expect my gentleman callers to?
  7. Lmao...I did that this morning (while watching One Tree Hill and coercing Cerb!)
  8. Watching One Tree Hill, checking out cerb and blow drying my hair.
  9. To be perfectly honest, my sex drive soared in my mid to late thirties :). Prior to that it existed but not with near as much fervor. Like a great wine, better with age!
  10. A tip is never expect but boy oh boy it is surely appreciated. Even better is a thoughtful little gift...doesn't need to be expensive, candy is nice lol.
  11. Finding out that when pop rocks are in your mouth and you preform fellatio, the one being fellated does not get an extra sensation. Damn! Dedicated to....well you know who you are!
  12. I retired a wonderful laptop last year...huge screen great for watching movies etc... It just up and wouldn't start one day. I was clearing out my overloaded closet today and came across it. I decided to plug it in and give it a try. It works! Yippee!
  13. I am going to age myself here but, I remember tv without a remote or cable. We had a landline and needed to actually talk to each other! Now a days, what with texts, emails and online forums, the art of communication has become almost robotic. Gone is the chance to be funny/sarcastic. Gone is the chance to be succinct without reproach. Gone is the emotion that makes a statement valid. The above is replaced with judgement. The above is replaced by not being able to read between the lines because the body language and facial expressions are not present. Not all of us are able to express ourselves adequately in words but yet we may be very adept in person. Before jumping all over someone's post, perhaps we should ask the OP more questions so that they may attempt to verbalize their intent. Some people try to inject humor but it comes off wrong online. Some people have a bit of a language barrier and may unintentionally post something they really didn't mean. Cerb is a positive place and therefor benefit of the doubt should prevail unless blatant negativity exists. My nickels worth. How has technology let you down?
  14. Never saw it as a bash but then again, the cup is always half full with me. Back at hand....gimme some sexy burly guys :)
  15. My biggest pet peeve....when I say you can park int he laneway (or the more popular central canadian expression - park in the driveway) do so! Nothing is more obvious in a residential neighborhood than someone who parks on the street and walks on down to a home with a big empty laneway! I may not include that in my ads but I certainly state it upon confirmation of address!
  16. Just wanna say that a member made the plunge and replied to a thread...maybe he hasn't realized the dynamic yet and may not want to now. Way to alienate a new comer. Remember your first exposure to this wonderful,forum...a bit of leeway maybe? Ever occurred to any if you that when he joined that mat have been the foremost post? Way to make a member feel welcome. Disappointed!
  17. Wow am I boring...insurance, manual and a pen. The console between the seats is a garbage receptacle for the wrappers from my snacks and the empty red bulls.
  18. Passing up a fun outing for a no show who is adept at spoofing phone numbers. Additional Comments: Jumping on a newbies Post before they come to realize the rules. Educate before you sentence! WOW compassion, isn't that a part of cerb....once educated and then enfracted, OK but come on....we claim to be different but the masses don't really know yet.
  19. Ottawa suits me well. I love the distinct seasons. I love all of the festivals. I love all the the green space. I love that its small enough to get around with ease but that its big enough to provide me with the entertainment I crave. I love that I can easily hop on a plane to other destinations. I love that I can easily drive to Toronto, Montreal and Kingston. And finally, I love my home!
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