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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. BBQ chicken burgers with bacon, cheese and caramalized onions.
  2. Home. Fries or mashed Additional Comments: Oops Vito beat me. Sour!
  3. Some Like It Hot. I can identify with Marilyn's body type and sensuality. Then Carnal knowledge with Ann Margaret portraying a cougar :)
  4. Thanks to my allergies and forgetting to take my medication, I have puffer fish in place of my eyes!
  5. Meeting someone very nice and having an awesome time!
  6. Breaded sole with a roasted red pepper, onion, sundries tomato and caper sauce atop of the best rice known to man!
  7. Let me put it simply, if a friend ever betrayed my trust in such a fashion there would be more than hell to pay! Your feelings of discomfort around her family are of no consequence.
  8. People who find it acceptable to cut the grass at 8am on a Saturday not to mention the fact that he really needs to get a tune up!
  9. I have only seen my real name used once and she is not in my city. I have to admit I had a mild heart attack the first time I saw the advertisement.
  10. The promise of meeting someone for so me sexy time!; finally lol!
  11. I have no tattoos but greatly admire them on others. I lurk on Cleo's and Sara's albums quite often lol. I don't have the nerve or courage I guess. My son always wanted a tat and I told him once he was 18 he could. He has a total of 15 so far and they are all beautiful and meaningful.
  12. Processed a bunch of spaghetti sauce but one jar did not "pop" guess I will be eating spaghetti for a few days :)
  13. Up beat music including dancing naked around the house. That always cheers me up. Sometimes tho, a good cry precipitated by a very sad movie gets the "ickies" outta me.
  14. Had an urge to make spaghetti sauce....made soooo much that I canned eight portions for freezing. Easy, quick, yummy dinners on the horizon! And because of Old Dog's influence, it contains not only ground beef but sausage and, wait for it, BACON!
  15. Well sir, in the context of this forum and it's values, I think that my take is not all together wrong as we are discussing human beings and not food. When humans are involved there comes emotions. My only point was that cerb is supposed to be without judgement and I found the wording off putting and offered up a reasonable alternative. I am all for freedom of speech and am expressing my particular views :)
  16. Justine, I feel ya! I am by no means a spinner nor a bbw. Kinda 50's pinup ala Marilyn Munro. Curvaceous perhaps?
  17. My dear, when asked who is the best (no matter the context), best has the ultimate meaning of BEST! Not one's best but THE best which can only be determined by ultimately comparing the lot. Would who was your favorite not be more in context with the cerb mantra? I am not posting this, or my last post, for disparaging reasons but to mainly point out that by the wording the op could be less negative to the ladies; who is your least favorite would be just as sad. If I were to post "who is your best client in ottawa" would there not be negative comments?
  18. You could only ever determine the "best" if you actually visited every lady that advertises in the ottawa forum. It should read who has been your favorite :). Not to sound contrary but this thread could be construed as a bit mean :)
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