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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. While all sound so sexy...if I am to be selfish I need to SEE it! On the body, from the side on the ample buxom with facial and possible lip/mouth contact :). CIM is too male selfish lmao as in I have no visual...they claim men are very visual....some of us are too. I call it the money shot and I wanna see!
  2. I was a teen in the 80s so this thread is awesome even if I prefer the music of the 70s :). Great karaoke fodder :)
  3. Thanks Lee! It worked.
  4. Can see the comment but not the name of the person who made it
  5. I love OD especially for his capacity to make me laugh!
  6. Wow way to take my post and skew it! And what did you you mean about classes? I did not make any disparaging remarks sir and certainly did not attack. I will kindly refrain from any further remarks on this post and perhaps many others.
  7. Hmm I see no nefarious intentions at all; learning and sharing yes, those intentions abound! A poll is effective only when a multiple choice answer is available. This poll is not clear enough and therefore requires discussion.
  8. You took the words right out of my mouth. If you don't wish to hear what others have to say create your own restrictive forum. Otherwise, buck up and read the views of others. The only way to be educated is to listen!
  9. Now now Lee you can never post a thread and request that no one comment! That's just an invitation! Lol. In my opinion, she crossed the road because there was a shoe sale.
  10. No you are not wrong...whatever you decide to offer is what is right for you and you should be respected for your choices!
  11. Living in canada, I find the best icebreaker is the weather. Ya, cliche, but it tends to get the conversation moving. I am good at anything you wish to talk about until it gets a bit too personal because, honestly, we ain't starting a relationship! Don't get me wrong, I have nothing to hide but when someone asks questions that hit a little too close to home it makes it seem that the interest is a notch above what we've agreed to!
  12. Received a mani-pedi from a regular and wonderful person. He acheived a better result than any salon I have ever gone to!
  13. Each and every cock is a creation worthy of exploration. Size, thickness, shape etc...each brings its own pleasure and excitement. To discover the ultimate experience is the best part!
  14. To echo Carrie I agree, it happens in most customer service/sales businesses. I prefer a cancellation over a no show any day!
  15. Wow! Amazing encounter with such a wonderful cerbie!
  16. Threesome situations where two of the parties are in a relationship can be complicated. Feelings can be hurt, insecurities can surface and the evil green eyed monster can show its face most unexpectedly. When a male/female couple are seeking the services of a provider it is best to let the female decide whom she would be most comfortable with. She may want to even create a bit of rapport via email or phone conversations in order to make the experience as desirable as the fantasy. Personally, I would never entertain a couple unless I had been in contact with the lady to ensure that I understood HER ground rules and comfort levels (often very different than his). Good luck and I am sure you will have a blast!
  17. In my opinion, I would rather the gent leave his phone, wallet, watch etc in the car and come in with only the envelope and car keys.
  18. This isn't my "oh shit" but very endearing. A wonderful gentleman caller happened to read a thread in which I stated the importance of parking in my lane way. I hadn't realized that he didn't on previous dates. Today he did and W e had a bit of a chuckle but when he left....his car alarm went off, not just a blip but a 30 second siren. I laughed until I almost peed. Hilarious! My sweetie.....no worries!!!
  19. I must say that I am a bit irked that the perception exists that if a provider does not show her face then she has something to hide. I choose not to show my face as I do not wish to intermingle my private and professional lives. Not deceitful at all nor does it make me any less of a provider than those who do show their faces. Anyhow, do your research, read reviews and begin communicating with those providers who interest you. Ultimately, you and your intuition should be able to determine which beautiful lady will rock you world! Best of luck.
  20. Claire...you are more than welcome to show up nakers :) even more than welcome if coming to MY backyard!
  21. While Miquelon forgot to mention why he likes Nicolette (forgiven this once!) I like Him because he is light hearted, complimentary and always positive. He embraces the whole mantra of Cerb!
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