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Meg O'Ryan

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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I will once again chime in as the warm weather is quickly (ok, hopefully) decending upon us. While, yes, it should be a sticky, it's most unfortunate that it needs to be! I shall agree that the majority of the gents I encounter are on the upper end of the good, if not great hygiene spectrum. Unfortunately, the bad sometimes the bad over takes the good. I see no reason why a gentle reminder that doesnt cross into the realm of nasty call outs can be seen as a negative contribution to this site. Information is power and if this is the case perhaps it will make someone realize that a few minutes of grooming can make a world of differencd. Lets face it, I don't think I smell, but I bet I do sometimes! Everyone gets caught up in the roller coaster that is our lives. We forget other people's views because we are so wrapped in our own and forget about those around us. I can totally understand that you are super horny and wanna get off but, surely you can wait an extra hour and come to me at your best :). It's common courtesy I should think. If not....I have a shower!
  2. Everything around my house is dying, right after the warranty is up! Yup, year 11 is expensive. The latest, how long should it take to dry a load of towels??? Jeeze! I am gonna go bankrupt before July!
  3. I am an extremely neat person; a place for everything and everything in its place. Every spring I realize that this is not entirely true. I am anal enough to jump on the spring cleaning bandwagon and whole heartedly embark on a yearly regime. I try not to overwhelm myself and schedule tasks. This week is drawers. I can't believe how many drawers I have. These drawers tend to collect the stuff that don't really have a place! Today I found 18 sunglasses cases but so far have only found two pairs of actual glasses, at least 20 emery boards that are of no use, some perfume and lotion samples saved from magazines and a few random buttons that could have never come from an article of clothing I have ever owned. Guess I am a secret hoarder!? Lol
  4. It is very unfortunate that subjects such as this one must continue to be brought up but one cannot deny the fact that since they do, there must be a valid reason! While I appreciate those of you who always put your best foot forward when visiting a provider, there are those who don't. Be it laziness, cultural beliefs or simple ignorance, the fact remains that body odor exists and sometimes it is offensive to others. Would you not want to get the MOST out of an encounter? If the simple task of being as clean as possible (including the use of deodorant or antiperspirant) is not worth the time then why should making you feel special be worth our time? It's quite simple, really! We want to please you! Please just take the small step to ensure that we can; happily!
  5. While I appreciate a man whose chemistry mixes very well with a particular scent, some people tend to apply a bit too liberally. The application of any scent (other than body wash) should be subtle. The only people who should be able to smell it is someone in your embrace...that is sexy! I used to have a girlfriend whose choice of perfume may have been exquisite but she put on so much that the office staff was nauseous every time she entered the room. Less is better imho. But then again, back to the thread, everyone over the age of 14 should be wearing deodorant or antiperspirant when engaging in social activities.
  6. Following a script is way too laborious lol. Can't we just let the passion dictate the time we spend together? Now, I can act out a fantasy with ease (my mom always told me that I was a great actress after my temper tantrums lol) but isn't it more fun to act in moment? Now, that being said, I do like knowing the basic premise of our encounter prior but once we are together, lets be together!
  7. While I love the Sens, I am proudly donning my Bruins jersey that I have had since the age of sixteen....way to age myself.
  8. Someone who opts not to see you unless you give them the exact address up front. Calling from the nearest intersection is a pretty common request, no?
  9. While I enjoy my chosen profession, my SP relationships and my personal relationships are completely separate. I didn't embark on this adventure to find a mate. I really hope I don't come off as sounding too harsh because I do understand that feelings can surface. Sage advice has been given and though it may not help heal the heart, it is necessary to move on!
  10. I mean no disrespect but I thank my ancestors for not being Jewish because bacon is my absolute favorite food followed by any variation of ham.
  11. I have a dishwasher but can't stand dirty dishes so I usually wash them in the sink. I sleep with socks only cause I put cream on my feet every night. Everything must always be in its place. My son will come over and slightly move things. I notice immediately and feel the compulsion to move them back. I am so anal, I notice the slightest change. It's a great source of amusement to him. I rarely carry a purse but it is uber organized with everything I could possibly need. I usually just end up grabbing my wallet. My mom laughs at me cause when she asks if I have xyz, I say yes, but its at home in my purse! Everything needs to line up....you should see me watching tv...personal phone, work phone, tv remote, rogers remote, all line up on the end table, bottoms even. Finally (but not the end of my quirks) my dentist has told me that I need to quell my tooth brushing and use of mouthwash...twice a day she says...are you kidding me?
  12. Frank and Petey We come as a pair Male SPs We are male dumbo fancy rats who spend all of our time together. Since our favorite activity seems to be licking each other's balls, we think that our best option would be to be fluffers on a porn set. Barring that, we do love women and would be happy pleasing you with kisses all over! Be advised that we do everything at a frenetic pace but always get the job done. Bi rats rule!
  13. Your best bet is to look in the advertisement section, select ladies that you would be interested in seeing and then sending them a PM to find out about their availability. A lot of us will be amenable to an outcall to a hotel as long as our individual contact requirements are met :)
  14. A new pool heater and some toys for my baby boys.
  15. This is a very highlighted day! Bikini weather, 3 day marinated steak with corn on the cob and chili-chive compound butter, Pinot noir, creme brûlée and coffee with baileys. Now, still in bikini, watching the Sens potentially kick butt while I am sitting outside enjoying a vodka! K, back to the game!!! Additional Comments: Might I add woohoo! Sens rock!
  16. I missed this thread but am sending along belated bday wishes!
  17. Sadly, my mother and I have NEVER gotten along to the heartache of my pa. My mama (pronounced mahmah, dads mom) was the nurturing matriarch in our family until her demise. I try so hard to reach out to no avail. The only good part of our relationship is that I have been very supportive of my son, my stepsons, my nieces, nephews and the youngins of my cousins. I am the go to "mom" to all of them and that makes me feel blessed. Heck, I even have gotten close to the neighbors kids that I have known since birth. I am known as auntie. My mothers coldness kinda shaped my to be a caring person...is that f'd up? Lol.
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