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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Today it's dark chocolate, almond moguls from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. Thank god for antihistamines.
  2. I don't know m-m very well but so far like what she contributes to the board. Also, she has super sexy and sultry eyes!
  3. Thank you all for your concern. I did report it to the police as well as my insurance carrier. Spent a few hours at urgent care and, yes, mild case of whiplash. Ouch! Thankfully I am a quick healer!
  4. Isn't there an app iPhone that allows a second number? I remember starting a thread asking about this and had some great responses but never followed thru.
  5. For those who have met me, you know that the smile on my face is permanent but perhaps sometimes disarming. I can't help myself; I have a perma smile! My reaction to things that make most people REALLY smile is tears. Yup, tears of joy, of happiness, of general well being. The sounds of the birds outside my open window at the moment are eliciting a great joy which manifests itself in a few happy tears!
  6. Lazy day so a number 12 sub on whole wheat from Fat Alberts.
  7. Angela is kind, helpful and always willing to go the extra mile!
  8. I am not usually a fan of thongs on a man but this was exceptional. At my request, he pulled it to one side for me to gain access :)
  9. This dark eyed blond loves tomato soup with saltines. Plain or flavored water?
  10. Chocolate chip Radio or iPod for music?
  11. "Skinny" chicken cacciatore with broccoli
  12. That is a hard one but I will go with pistachios. I like the red ones eventhough I am told there is not difference except for the pink fingernails. Tulips or daffodils.
  13. Embarrassed to say Close to you by the Carpenters. Blame galaxy 70s
  14. Please...if you are over the age of ten trunks pls! Rain or snow?
  15. Oreos Crunchy or soft cheesies
  16. I met an extremely sweet person today and had a wonderful time!
  17. I am with V on this. Bras have kept my girls nice and firm! In my twenties, I had itty bitty titties but somehow they decided to grow and with their growth I realized that bras were no longer an uncomfortable contraption but my friend. Perky, firm and large because of good, well fitting bras!
  18. I am anxious to see the responses. I was born in Halifax but moved away from Nova Scotia at the age of 6. My grand mother did not live in Halifax so we rarely went there when visiting but occasionally we would take a day trip to check out our old house in Dartmouth. I am hoping to get there this summer and would love to hear about the great spots to visit!
  19. That, ultimately, the only person you can really trust/count on/believe in/rely on/ is yourself. You may make mistakes but you always have your own back. You may do things that could hurt you but they are never done with malice. Being TOO nice can be harmful. Realizing that I need to put ME first but being able to give love to others....friends, family, pets, is very rewarding. Cooking is a great joy! Age and wisdom have made me a much more fulfilled person. I found a long lost diary from my late teens, early twenties. OMG was I really that superficial? "Suck it up Nancy" is a viable comment for those annoying whiners. Eventhough it is extremely heartbreaking to lose a pet, I am almost ready for another because I realize that the unconditional love is essential to my well being. Freaky, odd occurrences happen to remind us of our past (deep I know but I won't explain lol)
  20. To a beautiful lady with a wonderful name...I hope your birthday was amazing!
  21. Just voicing my humble opinion, no anger involved.
  22. Britney Murphy singing Nobody Does it Better by Carly Simon
  23. These questions always amaze me but I shall assume they come up because of the difference in donation requirements. Some lovely ladies choose to be MP's and other choose to be SP's. They make the choice based on what they are comfortable offering. To even suggest to an MP that you want her to supply a service typically offered by an SP is downright selfish. If you don't know the difference, inform yourself although if you are over the age of 21 you should know. I can understand how the "rules" can sometimes be blurred based on advertising strategies, but it behooves you to be informed about the industry standards prior to making your choice between the two offerings. If it comes down to the almighty dollar, well perhaps MPs and SPs are a luxury you cannot afford as none of us are prepared to offer something we are not comfortable with for the promise of extra cash. To steal RG's wording...a rambling.
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