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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Turning off the furnace, opening the windows and still being able to dance around naked!
  2. Yes, we do miss you. Hope you have a fabulous birthday!
  3. @Antlerman - That's why you go to the bathroom at the least busy time during the day...just gotta reign in the vocalisations.
  4. I thought long and hard about an great post as my 6000th. I finally settled on a thank you.... To the mods for your diligence in ensuring that this site remains a positive and enjoyable forum. To the ladies who offer support and cyber friendship, which I never thought I would find when I first began my journey as an SP. To the gentleman I have met and those I have not whose contributions are witty, intelligent and entertaining. I am soooo happy to be a part of this wonderful community and plan to enjoy another 6000 posts!
  5. Thank you everyone! I had no idea I was close to the 6,000 mark until my dear friend OD alerted me! Now I need to come up with a great 6,000th post!
  6. I like emiafish because he always posts yummy sounding suppers!
  7. Egg noodles for tonight's dinner. Fresh sheets and fluffy new pillows are on my to do list.
  8. Anytime I make a roast (be it chicken, beef or pork) I make stock afterward and freeze it. Last night I made a soup with some chicken stock, added some frozen duck (from the last turducken I made) and a bunch of veggies. Yummy! Tonight I am going to use the left over soup, make a roux to thicken it up add some paprika and serve it over egg noodles...a kind of stroganoff.
  9. My little princess would come running the second she saw me lift up my glass. She would climb onto my lap and up my chest and then pull my glass away from my mouth for a sip. Sometimes, she would steal an ice cube too. Pretty strong for a pet that weighed under 2lbs
  10. I have the cure for that....depending on their age.
  11. I am with Berlin...I can play the piano. My best instrument is my voice and the kicker is I can read music and play it on the piano, the guitar and sing it.....great family genes!
  12. Cruel and jealous people with WAY too much time on their hands. Take up a hobby or get addicted to Sims! (My town is huge now lol)
  13. Hawaiian pizza meets the quesadilla. Still had a couple of slices of ham left over so... Tortilla topped with squeeze bottle primo pizza sauce. Add chopped ham, onion and pineapple then finish with Monterey Jack cheese and a couple of dashes of hot sauce. Put another tortilla ontop and bake until cheese is ooey gooey good!
  14. And I prefer an electric groomer to get things started! Additional Comments: Yes, growth is a factor :)
  15. For sanitary purposes, I think it might be a good idea for the person wanting this service to bring their own tools :)
  16. My darling RG, may you have a wonderful birthday! Kisses to you!
  17. Mmmmm boy shorts! Mountain Dew or Dr Pepper
  18. Chicken cordon bleu, sugar snap peas and acorn squash.
  19. Just finished season 3 (one episode left) of Shameless......awesome!
  20. And if you want an interactive, super hot duo....me and Nicolette! :)
  21. What are your faves? Old dog....we already know yours! I am enjoying The Following (eventhough I was never a Kevin Bacon fan), Deception, The Cult and Scandal. I also like the cheesiness of Banshee...kinda like all those Charles Bronson or Chuck Norris movies.
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