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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. No matter how commercialized holidays become, they are always a good excuse to gather friends and family!
  2. I am loving myself more and more each day!
  3. Chapped lips....seriously? Haven't had chapped lips since I was a kid. Thank god for lip Medex by blistex....all better :)
  4. I am raising a glass to you and wish you the best on this wonderful day!
  5. That is simply awful! I so so relieved to hear that u r ok!
  6. I like RG because he truly "get's it" Also cause he likes becks Also cause he is a gentleman Also cause he his sweet Also cause he listens Also cause he's intelligent Also cause....just cause
  7. Missing the 24 car pileup by 5 minutes. I am glad I wasn't involved but feel bad for those who were! I hope that they are all ok!
  8. Loosing a pet :( It is quite debilitating!
  9. This is, by far, THE best thread ever! It deserves its own award!
  10. You might want to read this as well... http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=207
  11. Zero cal red bull x2. Guess I must confess...addicted!
  12. My suggestion is that, after reading the reviews and posts from the ladies that intrigued you, strike up a private conversation (pm) with those you are contemplating meeting. The only way to be comfortable is thru communication!
  13. I must say that I am flattered to be on anyone's list. I have lists of my own ( both sp and hobbyist) but no comment at the mo)
  14. Is trying to cutdown so...turkey bacon. Will report back,not expecting rave reviews.
  15. I am attracted to women with dark hair...darker than mine no matter the hue. This is not a rule, as the whole package is more important. My sexiest partner's dyed hair colour is close to my natural ( I could simply devour her and keep her locked up just for me lol) I was born a redhead who quickly turned to blond. I try every once and awhile to convert back, but after a few days, the blond comes thru. Guess I should embrace it!
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