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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I hope that your birthday was filled with joy!
  2. Poutine would rank number one but mom's tuna burgers are still my favorite birthday meal.
  3. Being half way thru an episode of Mad Men online and it switches to the middle of an episode of The Client List. Lol
  4. Check with your provider, some offer a roaming package with so many phone minutes and wireless minutes. Rogers offers this $50 for x number of phone calls and x number of texts and x number of Internet usage.
  5. Finding out that an amazing person passed away while I was on holiday :(
  6. Mmm I love pineapple! I am having tandoori chicken with cauliflower. For dessert apricots and vanilla yogurt.
  7. No disrespect my love just friendly banter :) Just thinking that with all of the potential possibilities for a last name that something unique and not yet seen would be awesome.
  8. While Devine is fine my dear Phantom, it has been used. Seductive but unique is essential!
  9. Love doing and watching! So, the question IS....who doesn't?
  10. Lola Merengue Lola ChaCha Lola Salsa Lola Bachata Lola Basque Lola Bolero (Like the energizer bunny, I could keep going and going!) Ya, going with the dancing theme because a sexy lady in the midst of an erotic act with her partner is akin to a beautiful dance!
  11. A RedBull that didn't cost almost $12 (they were charging 450 pesos for them on my trip!)
  12. WOW! Pedestal? Meet Cinderella! You really shouldn't base your opinion on the provider's donation requirement but on your interaction(ie emails etc) with her and perhaps maybe her recos as well as her interactions on the board. This ain't Hollywood baby lol but I am sure that should you feel more comfortable with a higher donation, no one will object to a generous gift!
  13. Em exudes the perfect balance of raunchy and sweet!
  14. Be it characters from tv, movies or literature, pick two characters from the same story and offer up a description. This has more to do with their personalities as opposed to their gender. I will start with Mad Men. Joan Holloway-Harris - femme fatale, she is bold and sassy and leans on her feminine whiles to get what she wants. Men are but puppets in her adept embrace. Do not mistake her for a bimbo, intelligence abounds! Peggy Olson - prim and proper on the surface with a siren laying in wait. She uses her intelligence to prove her worthiness. She marches to the beat of her own drum no matter how hard the battle nor how insecure she really may be.
  15. It's quite simple really. Contact a lady you have seen before, remind her of your encounter and ask if she minds giving a reference. Don't see the problem!
  16. Common courtesy online. Is it so hard to send a quick email (or text) to thank someone for providing information?
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