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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Damn, now I am lost! Voulez vous choucher avec moi ce soir?
  2. I am anglophone but went to school (from kindergarten to university) in French. Swearing in French was something so taboo that we would use English swear words.
  3. Realizing that when I topped up my cell phone, I forgot to add the monthly package as a feature. My minutes ran out 2 days ago and I didn't even realize it. $&@/!?!!!
  4. I am using quite a few f bombs as well as some other choice expletives today! Yup, big potty mouth...daughter of a cop and friend to many blue collar personalities. I will not apologize for this "fault" in my personality but will say that I am quite able to play the proper lady when needed and love to play the dirty girl when in the mood (if you get my drift!)
  5. I was uber greasy and the stuffing was way too spicy. It would be better if they removed the skin from the chicken and the duck before assembling. The actual meat was tasty tho. I basically tossed the skin and stuffing and kept all the meat for sandwiches.
  6. Super huge snowflakes! Looks like a snow globe outside.
  7. Doesn't it simply come down to the fact that one should never assume and questions prior to an encounter (any encounter) are probably a really good idea?
  8. Out calls are not the norm for me but always a sexy dress or leggings and revealing top with heels....a trench coat or cape overtop gives the appearance of a simply stylish guest.
  9. Well, I had a bit of a clutzy mishap that took a turn for the worse today. I have a hairline fracture of the zygomatic bone (cheek bone) and my gentleman caller decided to attempt to execute a flip over maneuver. It was unexpected and I ended up with a knee to the eye. If anyone is turned on by the colors of the rainbow....the right side of my face is amazing! Lol.
  10. Emily hit the nail on the head. Save up! This is not a necessity but a desire! A lady will charge what she deems necessary; end of story. As she said, perhaps a bit of communication will go a long way in ensuring that you receive what it is you are looking for, be it at any price.
  11. It was inevitable...sooner or later I would need to try this odd food. My neighbor gave me a fresh turducken yesterday. Not sure why but she did. As opposed to throwing it in the freezer, I decided to cook it today. Smells like thanksgiving!
  12. This is a silly one....I experimented with my skittles eating two different flavours at once! Who knew that red and purple, yellow and green and orange with anything would taste so good! I think I need to seek out a skittles support group!
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