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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I am usually sedate and very conforming but then the devil on my shOulder steps in and insists on me misbehaving. It is a totally random occurance that keeps my friends on their toes :) then again, perhaps I enjoy the shock factor lol
  2. Strong and black Star Wars or Star Trek
  3. Since I am involved with the latter at the moment, spaghetti sauce. Lager or stout
  4. Furthermore, I would say that quite a few of us are savvy and shrewd business people who employ effective marketing practices and possess money management skills. This market, as well as many others, is consumer driven. This is a luxury service that we offer and if the disposable income is not available competition becomes a bit more fierce. In these economic times it is important to set yourself apart but not compromise your ideals. If you structure a good business plan and have the ability to budget then slow times are manageable, just like they are for any successful business. My 2cents.
  5. Independent or agency...both great. Focus more on the lady than her affiliation. Check out the advertisement section and I am sure you will find what you are looking for.
  6. Super cute, super sweet, super cuddly! Nough said :)
  7. So, I chopped up and browned some chicken. Added onions, apple, grapes and raisins. Softened everything with the help of some chicken stock. Added cinnamon, thyme and a touch of chili powder. Thickened the whole mess up with cream cheese. Stuffed it in some phyllo and baked. Topped with a sauce made of stock, cream cheese and above spices. Yum!
  8. Just to clarify, I believe that sweet Madison does have a friend named Megan, although it is not me :)
  9. As an aside but totally related...if you need to use the little boys room upon arrival, wash your hands pls. Liquid soap and a fresh towel are right there, do you not think I can't hear you pee? I hate being the matronly type that needs to march you back into the bathroom to take care of a common function! PS...please do not make this into an SP complaint thread!
  10. Of course I want peace and happiness for all but my selfish side wants a stainless steel kettle and my silly side wants an LOL Elmo
  11. Mustard unless its my homemade relish....hmm Nicolette, the possibilities! Ice skating or roller blading
  12. I am reaching out to all you foodies. I want to do something with chicken and grapes. Not sure exactly what but perhaps it will include tarragon or thyme, maybe cream cheese and perhaps some kind of pastry. I don't want to go the obvious curry route. Pls give me some ideas....chicken and green grapes are the only musts. (This is for tomorrow night....tonight is hamburger soup)
  13. I clicked without reading....how do I get the top stories, posters etc back. (What you see when you first log in.
  14. A naked man wearing socks is just plain silly looking!
  15. Yes, there are definitely misconceptions surrounding both the providers and the hobbyists. I was one of those people who perceived this lifestyle as anything but positive awhile back. Curiosity got the better of me and I am so very happy that I was able to quell the negativity through first hand experience. I can say that I am proud of what I do but wish that the veil of secrecy could be lifted without any negative fallout. Change always takes time I guess but thank you to those of you brave enough to visibly fight for the cause (I admire you ladies greatly!)
  16. It's a small thing but the doohickey that makes my kettle whistle when the water boils popped off :(. Now I will need to stay in the room when making tea or I may just forget that I put the water on!
  17. Arrived there at 9:23 am and was out by 9:44 am. Very pleasant staff too!
  18. Big huge juicy green grapes....would they work well in a curry?
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