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Meg O'Ryan

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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Tim Bits Call me Fitz or the new Two and a Half Men
  2. I am 42yrs old so I am pretty sure that I don't need to worry about autism. Because of my eczema I was not vaccinated as a child but did get vaccinated for hep a and b in my twenties due to my profession at the time. My question comes down to the merits of preventing preventable infections/diseases. I am a healthy person who takes her vitamins and follows a good diet etc. lets face it, anyone who indulges in spirits, tobacco and processed foods is a target for any number of illnesses...which probably means the majority of the human race unless you are solely organic. As someone stated before, smallpox and polio have been practically eradicated because of vaccines. Are there no merit in the current available vaccines? What has changed? As far as pharmaceuticals go, why aren't people all over the thread concerning Ed medication, or birth control meds? I stand by my flu shot as in all of the years I have taken it i have never even had so much as a sniffle. Perhaps it is my good health and the way I go about keeping myself that way or perhaps it's because I have a bit of faith in my long term health provider. While I appreciate it, I am more interested in success stories than conspiracy theories. :)
  3. Was down last month at bill time and somehow, blond moments erupted and I double paid a few of them. Hydro and gas came in today with credits showing. Woohoo!
  4. Hard one but will go with clams. My moms clam chowder is out of this world. Baked potato or potato skins
  5. The Keg! Steak and loaded potato with some nice red wine!
  6. I would love to visit the Isle of Skye. Only for historical family reasons. Other than that, any where warm and sunny with unlimited food and drinks lol.
  7. Hard choice. Go with the more difficult to come across MMF Farfalle or linguini
  8. I have had the hep vaccines but heard they are effective for a certain amount of time so that is a no brainer. Did the flu shot and agree, it does not cause the flu. I am now reading about yellow fever and...can't remember. My thought is do vaccines eventually reduce your natural ability to fight infection?
  9. I am quivering at the thought of Sean and Jill :)
  10. On Facebook. Recently, somehow, distant relatives have found me on Facebook. I befriended them thinking that it would be interesting to find out more about ie my dad's cousins. Well, they are freaks with totally different values and beliefs. They inundate my page with things I should join etc. I unfortunately decided to comment on one of their misguided posts and now regret my mainstream response. If I unfriend them, does it send them a message or are they just gone from my page?
  11. So, marinated the breast (chicken titties lmao as per renegade) in my dads homemade hot sauce. Then I grilled them an the bar-b. I made a roue with butter and flour and sauced it up with dads hot sauce and poured it over the chicken. Served it with roasted sweet potato. Mmmmm. (Dads hot sauce is made with home grown scotch bonnet peppers...not for the faint of heart, Zantac here I come!)
  12. Be it the flu vaccine, the vacation vaccine...how do you feel about them? I have a drs appt Monday for a physical and I know she will insist on a flu vaccine and once I tell her about my trip down south, I am sure she will insist on the cocktail travel vaccine. Should I?
  13. No kissing, no gasm for me. It is extremely important and even when someone's style doesn't mesh with mine, I will endeavor to find a happy medium! Once again, communication rules in all things sexual.
  14. If all of the above comply the only reason I can see that I would turn you away would be the lack of the agreed upon donation or a cold. Yup....a cold. Had to turn away a lovely man because of his obvious sniffles! Some circumstances may affect the level of service. Hygiene, well the shower is available. Rotten teeth or bad breath will mean no kissing. Most of us dont judge on looks, size, physical fitness etc but taking care of ones self is a telltale sign of how you will treat us.
  15. My mom, god bless her, still shops as if we all lived at home. My parents go south for the winter and must therefor empty the contents of their freezer and fridge. I, being the only child within proximity, become the recipient of said goods. Tonight I will be concocting something with the chicken breasts that I left to defrost. Not sure what yet but...stay tuned
  16. 1) Not sure if its a highlight or something that sucks but I finally found the source of an offending odor in my house. I had a ton of family over for thanksgiving, including some young nieces. I shall assume that one of them decided she didn't want her piece of apple pie and hid it in the basement. My basement is huge and unfinished so we banished them down to play hockey. Yes, we allowed them to bring their deserts with them. Forgot what young kids were like! 2) got hit on at the LCBO :)
  17. Well, this is a recommendation board first and foremost. If people want to use this useful resource for this purpose only, it's ok with me. Of course it would be more fun with even more feedback in threads and on recos but hey, not everyone feels that they have something important to contribute to a discussion. Oh yeah; there is also the caveat that "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all". Just kidding lol.
  18. Must say that I am looking forward to showing off the tan lines.... Additional Comments: Must say that I am looking forward to showing off the tan lines....
  19. Poison Ivy Batman or robin (not in gay way, although that ok ;) )
  20. Argh when I stream video on various sites (incl tubeplus.me etc) I get pop ups that lurk in the background. Is there a simple way to disable these?
  21. Mmmm fall veggies roasted. Thanks bw, think I changed my mind for supper :)
  22. It's sunny here at the moment but still very windy.
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