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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. To a wonderful lady who has given me a wealth of information. Carrie, although we have only met once, you have always been a willing mentor and I appreciate your openness. Many a lady should take your lead and realize that we are coworkers and not necessarily competitors. Thank you!
  2. I like the person to do what makes them comfortable. There is something endearing about the shy guy coming in fully dressed and the confident guy coming in naked while the nervous guy wears the towel around his waist. There is no wrong scenario here! Each one has a sexy possibility! Hmmmm the possibilities.
  3. I must agree, a male companion will probably find more success as a bi/gay companion. (Bi for couples would maybe fly) I just don't see a huge market for women seeking male companionship, especially for sexual reasons. While shows like Hung may have increased the interest in pursuing this, realistically, I don't see it being very lucrative.
  4. I had an ex who used to "complain" about his tongue muscles after marathon daty. No complaints from me however.
  5. I'm with Sara on this one. Sticks and stones....
  6. While I shivered and planted over 100 tulip bulbs that my aunt gave me at thanksgiving, the snow started to fall. It was beautiful as a bit of sun was peeking thru!
  7. Communication! If in doubt, just ask but be prepared for the real answer! Not trying to be a negative nelly especially since I really enjoy the time that I spend with most people I meet! I, for one, enjoy the whole aspect of a non committal relationship or even the one offs. Sex is the answer but not the solution.
  8. Meeting a fantastic new friend because a dear friend gave me a reco!
  9. My little quirk is that bathing is my personal intimate time. I share so much of myself otherwise that this time (of looking like a drowned rat lol) is something I cherish. Should you need to shower, or wish to be very fresh (as I always am) then I whole heatedly encourage you to avail yourself of the amenities. I am not a clock watcher per se but wouldn't want someone to take advantage either. I have one guest who could spend an hour in the shower because of the shower head (minds out of the gutter!).
  10. I think that as long as she is quiet while in her crate there shouldn't be a problem. As an allergy sufferer, I would think that my first inquiry would be about the presence of my trigger, whatever it may be. ;)
  11. Prevention first! Take your daily multi vitamins and extra vitamins c. At the first sign take echinacea and cold-fx wont hurt. Haven't had a full fledged cold in many years!
  12. Farfalle in a sage, turkey cream sauce. That will be the end of the turkey!
  13. I admit to not having read the whole thread (but I will). From the jist of it, I say it's a bad idea. I have worked through a personal issue with someone very close to me who agreed to this type of scenario and it hasnt turned out well. Emotions tend to get in the way later on. It's fine and dandy to make these decisions at the spur of the moment but "shit" happens and eventhough provisions are agreed upon, feelings change! This is not a cut and dry situation. Life dictates our course which can change in the spur of the moment. My view is that a child should come into this world embraced by all or adopted by a couple that will make it it's all. Circumstances aside (hey, I am a single mom) the optimal environment contains two parents and to knowingly decide to have a child without this assurance is asking for trouble. With the advances in fertility, my advice to her is to wait until she meets her soulmate (I say this because she is still young enough to wait) and raise the child with both parents either together or apart!
  14. Depends on the partner vs the object LOL. Good sex, nope, never give it up. Choice between killer shoes and someone who doesnt want to find out what floats my boat...yup, shoes win! Eventhough this profession is mainly about pleasing the hobbyist, I am kinda selfish and dont see the point if I cant derive pleasure from it as well :)
  15. Logged on to see that a wonderful cerb friend is back! Thanksgiving, with all of my new side recipes, was a hit! Thanks to Renegade, the vegetarian was pleased but everyone else was jealous of her special dish!
  16. So...my parents and brother don't want for anything. This weekend is our Christmas and I don't want to do the usual gift card thing. Give me some ideas on great, unusual, sure to be talked about (my rents spend the winter in Florida with people that have perfect children) gifts.
  17. Feel Like Makin Love, Bad Company http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=xSoEP1NVmPM&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DxSoEP1NVmPM
  18. I agree with all of you...I have a great life and wouldn't change a thing! Ok maybe one thing, anyone have any GOOD karaoke CDs that I could borrow before Sunday?
  19. I am sure it exists, as women will be women, but I am lucky not to have knowingly encountered this horrible female phenomenon lol. The ladies that I associate with (either in person or in cyber land) are a great bunch and we do not indulge in catty behavior! Actually, I have never had the privilege of knowing such classy women in my previous "straight" profession!
  20. I am kinda partial to the whole freedom of speech thing regardless of the province in which we live...aren't we all Canadian? Oh...and what backrubman said :)
  21. It is a mistake to blur the lines unless she reciprocates the feelings!
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