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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. On the way to the hospital to get my mom a walking cast, my dad dropped off his karaoke machine for Sunday Thanksging...his music is ancient :(. Guess I wil brush up on " Start spreading the news...." My bad for getting rid of the piano!
  2. Well, refried beans and I don't mesh! Enjoying a wonderful cbj and all of a sudden I felt a great belch working its way up! No chance to hide it (actually is was epic and I could have probably burped the alphabet!) so unladylike but, nonetheless I couldn't help laughing my ass off. The great thing was that the recipient thought it was hilarious too! Note to self, burritos are for down time only!
  3. It's still early and I haven't had any caffeine yet but waking up the the Shticky commercial makes me laugh.
  4. It certainly is fantastic when those fireworks explode!
  5. Quite often I will hear a song and it will stay with me until another one moves me. Right now it's Ian Thomas' Painted Ladies.
  6. People who expect your incall adress via email before even ever talking to them!
  7. Not at all. Each and every encouter is as unique as the individual partaking in our service. The goal is first and foremost to provide you pleasure; if I derive pleasure from it as well, that is an awesome bonus!
  8. That would be the most awesome wish come true!
  9. I wish that this thread would veer towards its intended light hearted intent
  10. The are good just very different. If you like to read its worth it but nothing like the series after book one.
  11. My potential new sister in law is coming for a visit at thanksgiving but doesn't eat fowl. My brother said not to worry, she can just fill up on the veggies but I would love to cook a fish dish for her....gimme your WOW fish recipes. (Her faves are salmon and halibut but loves all fish)
  12. Which would be why I stay away from the "Miss Universe, I wish for world peace" answers. Unless you are willing to confront the devil, the world will always be fraught with monsters.
  13. You might be surprised at how many cerbites will be forthcoming with constructive advice. Also, language need not be a barrier as a lot of the membership is bilingual and those who are not are at least tolerant enough to "read between the lines" and determine the gist of a post. I am still of the opinion that this particular person should explore the resources offered by an agency, at least to start.
  14. Awesomely clean house, caught up on the mountain of laundry, enough homemade cabbage rolls to feed an army and Dexter season 7 episode 1 in cue!
  15. I would love the pumpkin cheese cake recipe Sami and the upside down cake sounds good too. Gimme some cranberry dishes. I hate just plain old boiled cranberries and sugar! Agree with Angela. I mainly eat stuffing and moms coleslaw lol. Additional Comments: Oh, and I just found out that my brother's new g/f only eats fish....creative one person fish dishes welcome!
  16. I too would go back in time and reject the offer to buy a business.
  17. Of course there are "pimps" out there. Many shapes and forms of which, as cat has suggested, do not fit the stereotype created by the media. Let's not be naive. Then again, to suggest that the majority of "ladies of the night" are subjected to this type of control is also quite stereotypical. From the type of threads and comments on Cerb, I see, for the most part, confident, self aware, independent women who have chosen a career path that suits their personality and goals. I do not see the desperation that may come from being coerced by another. Perhaps I am naive but I see the whole pimp issue declining as the availability of the Internet is increasing. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely women who find themselves being controlled for various reasons but to assume that most are is ignorant.
  18. Arrg make me stop reading this til I watch it!
  19. Every thanksgiving for as long as I remember, everything has been exactly the same. When I took over the holiday, I prepared everything to moms standards. I wanna shake things up a bit but still provide the staples. So.... Alternatives to mashed potatoes, mashed acorn squash and mashed sweet potato as well as different cranberry sauce (not jellied) and any other seasonal veg (NO green been casserole!) oh ya and a new interpretation of pumpkin pie...doesn't need to be a pie lol
  20. Spent most of the day yesterday re-watching Dexter season 6 only to fall asleep before the season 7 premier. Dang! Hopefully it will be on demand tomorrow!
  21. At this point can we vote between the ones tied for 1st place? A quick one day only poll?
  22. When I first decided to embark on this journey, I had no knowledge as to the ins and outs other than what I saw on cl and in movies. I went in blind but with the basic instincts as to what was acceptable and legal. Thankfully I found Cerb and consequently met some ladies who were amenable to offering up some sound advice although I quickly figured it out on my own. Based on your original post, I would suggest that her behavior requires the help of an agency. As per Berlin's post...I too find it frustrating that with all the available info, she needs (or you need) instruction on how to go about this. Word of warning....if this is what she chooses to do...don't be involved in anyway! Offer advice and direction but anything more will be frowned upon.
  23. From the female and/or Provider perspective, I salute all of the wonderful Cerb ladies for their posts, their advice and their friendship. I covet the women who have made such a wonderful impact on my life and covet those that shall in the future. Cerb ladies rock!
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