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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Funny...my incall is minutes away from a homedepot. Sometimes, tho, your SO may surprise you and ask to come along lol.
  2. I can't see the point of being a provider if I didn't enjoy it. That's why it's such a great job! Constant stimulation :)
  3. Why don't my changes appear in my title?
  4. (The) Virginity Hit K going against the rules and doing w....why? Cause if you like "film noir" ala Terantino you HAVE to watch http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1242460/ I often have to watch movies or even tv shows more than once but this one got my attention. We Have To Talk About Kevin. WOW. Almost as riveting as Pulp Fiction!
  5. Damn you agent Powers, I was involved in an intricate plot to remove Master RG as the movie ABC champ and completely missed the fact that he has achieved greatness. Guard that Mojo! RG...I think you are a wonderful person and love spending time with you in person and in Cerbland!
  6. Bad boy....alphabetically by last name....gotta make it challenging
  7. Well, my sweet friend, actresses are now know as actors lol
  8. I am gonna go with Gabriella and agree that Jane is beautiful. How you wish to identify yourself is for you to decide and no one should judge; it's a shame that labels need to exist other than in a quick this is who I am scenario. I hope I am explaining myself properly. Anyhow, happy to have you in Otown!
  9. Same idea as moviefan's thread but actors. Last name first! Affleck, Ben
  10. Tuna melt on 12 grain bread but....I made it in the toaster oven on top of which was a freshly baked (well this morning) banana bread wrapped in seran wrap. So,the top of my toaster oven is ruined as was the bread but the tuna melt was marvelous!
  11. I neatly place my garbage can and recycle bins at the end of the lane way. A few hours later, I look out the front window and say WTF to myself as my bins are either tossed into the middle of the lane way, (sorry told I should call it a driveway) on my lawn or in the street. Jesus, Joseph and Mary, how hard is it to put it back down where it came from? Doesn't take anymore time than tossing it. I have watched them do it...I guess that is what they do to make their job more interesting.?
  12. Iam with Carrie...I like to find out but if they don't like it I will struggle to stay away. Actually, it was early on in my career that a CERB member made me aware of this :). I especially like it when someone tells me to!
  13. I am never really satisfied when I get a haircut so I took matters into my own hands today. Cut my own hair and love it! (I do cut hair for friends and family members just never tried it on myself)
  14. Here is hoping that you have an amazing birthday!!!
  15. So, I have this huge California King pillow top bed. It is near impossible to find bedding for it. Because it is so big and high, i have the boxspring right on the ground which means I can't really use a bedskirt. I found this awesome comforter and bedskirt and decided to ask my mom to sew the bedskirt to the comforter so that it will fit the bed and hide the box spring. Fast forward yesterday morning. My parents live about an hour out of town but needed to come in for some doctors appts yesterday morning. I decided to invite them over for a big breakfast! After eating, my mom went upstairs to gather the humongo comforter and bedskirt. Arms completely full, down the stairs she comes. She miscalculated and missed the last step and twisted her ankle. She assured my dad and I that she was fine and off they went to their appts. This morning, my dad calls and tells me of how they spent 5hrs in the emergency room last night and now my mom has six weeks of a non-walking cast on her broken foot. I feel bad :( Additional Comments: My best guess Angela! Is that the cranks lay with the missing socks! CrankF...no crank compares to you!
  16. Disclaimer...no berating those who do not share the same interests as you lol :) So, this thread is dedicated to those tv shows and movies that you find incredibly cheesy/bad. This came about after watching Vegas tonight. I will give it another try but the scene where the title character (notice my undivided interest...can't even give the characters name) stood out on a landing strip and as the car raced towards him, shot out one tire and then a second resulting in the car careening off minutes before impact. CHEESY!
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