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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I have 12 windows in my house that open using a crank (for lack of a better word). Because of the way the blinds work, I removed the cranks but left them on the window sills. Well, 12 years later I am down to two cranks! The air is so fresh out right now but I had to run around room to room to open all the windows and am pretty sure I will be cold enough soon to have to do it all over again!
  2. Bruce Almighty...in keeping with Mr. carrey's repertoire
  3. Home made chicken pot pie (no condensed soup to be had!) with a cheddar corn biscuit crust.
  4. I always seem to come in late...but nonetheless, I hope that you had a fantastic birthday!
  5. Loosing a pet is very traumatic! I love all dogs but my favorite breed is the Boxer. Wonderful, smart, affectionate and loyal!
  6. I have my eye on a purple bejeweled iPhone cover at Canadian Tire lol. I am not super girlie but this is one girlie thing I want lol!
  7. Dancing around the living room naked to Painted Ladies
  8. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=198
  9. Argh crankF is quick Out for a Kill
  10. MacGruber (one of those "hate watch" type of things) I was beat to it so.... No Reservations
  11. Meg O'Ryan


    Just discovered this tonight so I really know nothing about it. Does anyone use it? Is it more affordable and convenient than having two cell phones? Will my second line carry the "business" name without being traced to my real name?
  12. It happens Christy; just take it with a grain of salt. These people have problems and those problems are not yours!
  13. Congrats to Cato for surpassing the 6,000 post mark!
  14. Arrg....headache! Guess I need a good orgasm
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