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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I like lucky me cause he liked me sex score
  2. I am going to power watch season six on demand to remind myself of what I can look forward to. One of my absolute favorite shows! Does season 7 start on September 30th?
  3. Pumpkin gnocchi with brown butter walnut sage sauce
  4. I like Lee cause he always seems to know when I need a laugh/smile!
  5. Zoom: Academy for Superheros
  6. I like Angela even when she sends me cryptic text messages that take me time to figure out lol.
  7. How wonderful Christine. I always look forward to your posts (and your tweets). Keep up the great work!
  8. Bait Car every Tuesday night. I simply amazes me at how stupid these car thieves are!
  9. It's ridiculous....the whole thing is laughable. Ya wanna share the profits? Give back to the fans, make it affordable!
  10. Why did I receive an email from a yahoo account and then when I replied (seconds later) I received a "mailer-daemon" report stating that this user does not have a yahoo.com account?
  11. Big pot of spaghetti simmering on the stove and pumpkin bread cooling on the rack. 4 jars of bread and butter (mustard) pickles, 4 jars of dill pickles and 4 jars of spicy pickled green beans racked up! Great day!!!
  12. While the majority of the posters "get me" it saddens me that others felt the need to make my post negative when it is most certainly not. It's kinda harsh to tell someone that they mean something they don't. Oh well c'est la vie and at the end of the day I know what I mean!
  13. Which is exactly why this was not written as a "don't do this" type of thread but more of a constructive point of view :)
  14. PLEASE....when you discover the cure (the cure that makes liers melt into nothingness) let me know cause I hate no one unless I find out that they maliciously lie (let's face it a lie isn't that bad if there is no nefarious intent)
  15. Like mrrnice I am also reading other books (I have an upstairs, a downstairs and an outside book on the go). I am three quarters of the way thru and will reserve my opinions til the end. I will, however, concur with the assessment that Canadian authors, screen writers, producers etc need to step it up and quit trying to be so damned artsy fartsy! This authors writing style is confusing and rather amateurish. The topic is reveling and the story compelling but the vehicle is not running. Will follow up once done
  16. No worries bb. No vent just a gentle reminder I thought :)
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