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Meg O'Ryan

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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. The Guard. Laughed my behind off... So many great one liners. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1540133/
  2. In my opinion pay as you go is only good if you only have a need to use the phone for calling and texting.
  3. The positivity is in the reminder of why we are all here....fantasy, a get away from reality. And that escape should be celebrated and not miscontrued. I am certainly not a negative person as those who know me can tell you. This is in no way a rant just a matter of fact or perhaps I have been wrong all along?
  4. It's unfortunate that you see it this way. I, on the other hand, see this as a very positive and realistic statement in view of some of the threads that have brought up the subject of "feelings" for an SP. I believe that I have expressed the thoughts of many ladies and did it in a kind but true fashion. You are free to take from it what you will but my intent was very positive.
  5. Hi, our names are numerous. When you arrive, you will find a woman who is impeccably coiffed and meticulously made up. We will be stylishly dressed including sexy lingerie and killer heels. We will greet you with a dazzling smile and a warm embrace, make you laugh and think. Having the ability to put you at ease, we can hold a conversation & discuss a myriad topics. You will be seduced with intense passion. We will be sexy, sassy or even slutty. You will be treated like the most important man in the universe. You will be told you that you are handsome, that you are intelligent, that you are a great lover. As we say our farewells, you will be told that it was a fabulous time; the best time ever. This does not mean that anything beyond a paid arrangement should be expected. You were given what you wanted: the fantasy! Hello again, our REAL names are "Private " And we are mothers, wives, girlfriends, sisters, daughters, aunts, nieces, cousins. We clean the house, do the laundry, get PMS, don't wear make-up, walk around in sweats and bare feet. Sometimes we get stressed out, are in bad moods, cry, rage, bitch, have bad breath upon waking, drool and maybe even snore when asleep. We sweat when exerting ourselves, get dirty when we garden, are bulldogs when discussing our beliefs. And THIS is what you would get for free! So....to all you gents who think that they would like to get to know us off the clock, we are the same as your current wife, girlfriend, lover and like any other woman, we all have many flaws... just remember.....you are paying to NOT see them! And you KNEW the rules before joining the game so please don't expect to be able to change them, not should you try. Keep the fantasy intact!
  6. For me it's more about the role they play...that's what sticks in my mind, not the actual actor. For example...I like Christian Bale in American Psycho, John Travolta in Face Off, William H Macy in Shameless, Tom Berenger in Platoon, Vin Diesel in everything...anyhow, its the persona that they portray that floats my boat lol. Hmmmm I like bad boys I guess lol But not to be out done... mcLovin, Doug Heffernan and Alan Harper have a place too.
  7. iPhone by far. Rogers has been good to me. You need to do your homework, choose the right plan and then stay on their ass....scrutinize and if necessary complain and they will comply!
  8. Not so much now but from back then...mmmmmm Something so erotic about her
  9. The unfortunate thing is that she is probably already doing his bidding and he thought perhaps he could find a way to advertise her on here...kind of a sympathy type of thing. Guys would feel sorry for her or wish to teach her the finer art of intercourse. People think up some weird ass ways to market a product. Terrible that the product happens to be a young lady.
  10. I assumed he was looking at it from the fantasy/roll playing point of view :)
  11. I was just informed she is no longer with her partner. Sorry for suggesting this, I just remembered an ad from way back.
  12. Oops missed this! Hope someone special cooked you a wonderful birthday feast!
  13. Amityville Horror Additional Comments: Amityville Horror
  14. In the highlights of the day thread Berlin mentioned that she "hate-watched" an episode of hung and she provided this link http://news.yahoo.com/hate-watching-joy-tv-scorn-132153959.html What shows do you hate watch? Yesterday I got sucked in to the horrifying world of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo a reality show spin off from Toddlers and Tiaras. I blame Nicholette Vaungh for this, she never should have shown me the YouTube clip! The family is so beyond how I perceived a redneck! Jeff Foxworthy and/or Larry the Cable Guy can certainly pick up some fresh material!
  15. Furnace is fixed! Repair man showed up exactly on time! Yippee!
  16. Despite the sinkhole...had a wonderful encounter. Worth waiting the extra hour for him to arrive :)
  17. In my experience, having a lot of money ain't all it's cracked up to be! Happiness is not dependent on the size of ones wallet.
  18. How not to get arrested would be to stay out of it. If this is what she wants to do, fine but you need to keep out of it completely. This post reeks of wanna be you know what!
  19. As far as I can remember I have been a bisexual. At a young age I found a copy of The Happy Hooker and excitedly read certain passages over and over. I never acted on those impulses until I was in my 30's. Professionally, I need to meet someone and have a chemistry before I will agree to a duo. No chemistry = mechanical encounter!
  20. Fate brought me to this point in my life and I believe it's where I should be. There are many instances where I could think what if I chose A instead of B but really could I be sure the outcome would be better? I love my life, including the difficulties and trust that the path I chose was the path I was meant to lead.
  21. This is an addendum to the "what not to ask" thread. What comments or questions (while engaged in an intimate moment) wither the erection or turn the vagina Into the Sahara? First and foremost "will we always need to use condoms? Perhaps when you get to know me better...." "Can we just try to let the little guy slip in back?" after I plainly stated that I don't like anal.
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