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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. This started out as more of a "things that suck" kind of story but the outcome made my day! Friday night I had a few too many wobbly pops and totally missed my bus stop and ended up at a park and ride. At this point, the driver was taking his break so I had to get off the bus and wait for him to come back around so I sat down on a bench and listened to some music while I waited. I finally make it home somewhere around 3am. Next morning, I wake up at 6:30 and can't get back to sleep. I decide to listen to some music...search high and low, no phone! Damn, I grab my Ipad and use the locate iphone app. My phone is at the park and ride! I quickly jump in my car and head over. There is my phone, earphones and all, sitting on the bench! I couldn't believe my luck!
  2. Beef shawarma with garlic sauce, onions and pickles from 3 Brothers on Dalhousie or a double cheese burger with bacon at McDonald's.
  3. I must admit that I really don't look at my twitter account very often. Perhaps I should get back into it but there are just so many things to do in a day! I am @megforfun
  4. Cause back in the day, this was my hair do (hmm, I guess it's still kinda the same lol) and all my friends called me Meg. I added the "forfun" cause I am, well, fun!
  5. I just downloaded lullabies but promise I won't start until Monday....if I can resist
  6. So, I like to watch tv via the Internet. I will choose a show and only watch it until the end (last season aired). I have just finished 8 seasons of Grey's Anatomy and looking for suggestions on where to go next. I have seen quite a few shows so I won't list them but curious to get some recommendations
  7. I can sleep thru a hurricane, most nights. Some nights like tonight I am not able to even close my eyes. So frustrating and I really feel for you!
  8. Everyday life is a busy affair where too many necessities can get in the way of being "you". It's hard to let go of what we are supposed to do in order to do what we need to do; if only for a moment. Family, responsibility, financial requirements, philanthropic pursuits, all important life factors but factors which deprive us from the fundamental need to self sooth. We CAN have it all but it takes effort. The biggest effort is indulging in what makes YOU happy. Find the time, no matter how brief it needs to be. Do something that you enjoy at least once a day. If you are satisfied with yourself you are better able to ensure that those you love will be happy as well! So.....I sing at the top of my lungs while dancing wildly around the house I read voraciously I play stupid iPad games I pull weeds I watch full tv shows online (like eight seasons of grey's anatomy in a month lol) We have one life to live. Deal with the necessities but live the rest to the fullest
  9. Started watching the newsroom. Omg awesome!
  10. I like P for reasons I will keep to myself!
  11. A very happy birthday to you! (albeit a bit late)
  12. I am intrigues by fifty shades of grey
  13. Yes jake....older novels are a great idea
  14. I like mrgreen because he is unique and that is refreshing
  15. I have two iBook gift cards so count me in. I'll read just about anything
  16. Sliced cucumber topped with cream cheese and a ton of black pepper.
  17. The very first hobbyist I ever had thre pleasure to spend time with was from out of town. I figured I would never see him again as he rarely gets to Ottawa. Well, yesterday he contacted me and requested that we spend time together today. He remembered that we first met on August 18th 2009! What a nice third year anniversary gift!
  18. Thank you all for the kind words! Now, do I have 5000 more things to say?
  19. My son The sun My rat My first ever rose bush in full bloom Walking Meeting awesome people Creating new recipes Recipes that require a lot of knife skills Research Dancing Singing Fauna LIFE
  20. We have had numerous threads about embarrassing moments as hobbyists, SP's, MP's etc. How about those "my face was red when..." moments in everyday life? This thread came about after an encounter with a three year old today. Standing in line at Shoppers, this cute little girl in front of me started rubbing my knee. Her mother told her to stop then asked her what she was doing. She responded "it feels like Jacob's head". Well, the mother started laughing and then noticed the perplexed look on my face. She turned the baby stroller around for me to see the adorable toe headed new born cherub snoozing away. I couldn't do anything but laugh. My body hair (other than the Y thanks to shaving) is very sparse and fair. I have never shaved my legs above the knee but am now considering it lol.
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