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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Oops...sorry I missed this thread! Happy belated birthday.
  2. The majority comes from Cerb and Escorts Canada (money very well spent) with about 20% from other sources.
  3. If your current laptop is still functional, why not strip it down to bare bones and use it for gaming and Internet video streaming. If it still works no need to get rid of it completely. I use my note book to watch tv episodes online while doing my real work on my Mac.
  4. Also, a Mac is waayyyy more stable. No "blue screen of death" to be had! If you spend a lot of time on the internet, no crashes due to virus etc...
  5. Tea - blueberry, Earl Grey, green, any kind really. Light Vanilla Rockstar Raspberry Ice Crystal Ice Caesar with a couple of spicy green beans Rye and water Vodka on ice Sir Perry cider
  6. I like that OD and I have a special bond. I was the first to welcome him to cerb and he gave my record collection a good home!
  7. Knock, knock, knockin' on heavens door! (inside comment)
  8. Welcome to Cerb and I must say that your sense of humour is awesome. Your handle alone made me giggle!
  9. Hate u....mine won't grow that long :(
  10. The rainbow in mrrnice's avatar says volumes about him! Wonderous, kind, beautiful and needed.
  11. A review is invaluable...PM's can always be ignored by the male members just as they must sometimes be ignored by the women :). You should never deny a good deed because a negative may come about.
  12. Way to go little one! As Lee said....boobies all around!
  13. When I do visit; kissing is mandatory
  14. Let's put it this way...."du u wanna git wit me" is probably a problem while "do you want to get with me" while not ideal, is an improvement. Peachy, I see no fault in the way you express yourself!
  15. I am a true introvert and my home is where I can be sure all is how I left it. Possessions are good but I could live in a cubby hole as long as all is in order. My pet is happy, my HOUSE is in order....that what make me happy. Sure, I am extremely happy in my house and enjoy my habits but continuity is my master.
  16. With all of the predictive text options along with spell/grammar check options available on today's devices, I can't see why it would be so difficult to compose a somewhat legible ad. I can understand language barriers and they don't bother me when I see that the intent was there.
  17. Folks, it all comes down to communication. On the giving end, I could go for hours or even days if she likes my delivery! Whatever makes her get off is what floats my boat. Receiving is the same. When I say go....go; when I say hold off a sec...hold off. Communication in sex equals an awesome experience!!!!!!!!!
  18. Me likey footfetish! Only my third experience (with a different person) but oh so fun!!!!
  19. Number one is do not respond to texts/emails/phone calls etc....do not acknowledge any contact. If he goes further and shows up at your location, do not answer the door. Ignore at all costs. If these actions do not detour him, call the police and if needed get a restraining order!
  20. I think with a little chit chat, some cuddling and kissing before, during (need a few mins of recoup time in between gasms) and after an hour is perfectly alright
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