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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. You are most certainly none of the above! :)
  2. Idiots, morons and self righteous jerks.
  3. Got my 5km walk time down from 52 minutes to 47 minutes today! Now, should I add 1km tomorrow or just try to beat my time??? Plus, down another 2lbs and my energy level has risen by leaps and bounds!
  4. Sunglasses. When I was 10 I suffered a pretty severe accident which resulted in muscle damage and my pupil will not contract all the way so wearing sunglasses was mandatory. I have lost count on how many pairs I have. I had my dad build a custom cabinet to keep them in!
  5. Downtown for sure! Lots to do within walking distance when you are not taking appointments. Gotta think of having "me" time as well!
  6. An actual confirmation of the desire to see a lady would be awesome! After the fact just don't cut it. Lol
  7. Congrats to a wonderful woman and valued contributor.
  8. I find it hard to believe that so many ladies do not, at a minimum, post rates in their ads/profiles or at least have a website with all info included. If that is the case, then yes you are more than expected to call and enquire beforehand and if it is not within your budget, a thank you and goodbye is all that is required. If they do have the info somewhere and make mention of it in an ad then you should do your homework first! Happy hobbying!
  9. Although I am not fond of him..... "bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night"
  10. Love this thread. I would like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure cause size don't matter it's what you do with it that counts!!!
  11. Those of you who know me know that I am somewhat of a couch potato. Today I put on my backpack and walked the 2.5kms to the store in 18mins. Then, backpack loaded and heavy walked 2.2kms back (found a shortcut lol) in 20mins. May seem lame but a major thing for me! I feel awesome but a bit sore. Oh, and I now I hear the ice cream truck....treat!!! Additional Comments: To ad to it...yummy Popsicle from one of those old fashioned icecream trucks and now watching hell's kitchen outside! Lol
  12. While tapatalk was convenient I always found myself using the full version on my browser so if it's gone no great loss.
  13. The responsibility always lies with the sufferer no matter what the circumstance
  14. I have the triple threat....topical/ingestible/respiratory The topical is serious, the ingestible is life threatening and the respiratory is a MAJOR inconvenience. I ensure that I take my meds daily and research the places that I may or may not visit prior to making a plan for my day. Anyone with allergies of any kind are the ones responsible for their well being. I am not trying to diminish the concerns of the OP but your health is your priority and therefore your responsibility. Simple questions will keep you safe and healthy! It is no one's responsibility other than your own to ensure your health. A pet in an incall is a reasonable situation and therefore you should enquire prior to booking. People with allergies need be vigilant; those around us are aloud to be ignorant!
  15. A wonderful Cerb member made me smile first thing this morning!
  16. I absolutely love to garden when it's hot and sultry outside! My second favorite activity is my volunteer work at a local animal shelter. Running thru the sprinklers with the puppies is a blast :)
  17. Listening to Benny and the Jets after a wonderful reminder from April and after a wonderfully wild and sexy encounter!!!!!!!!
  18. Personally I would want to know so that I could determine what I needed to do about it. If my safety, good name or reputation is at stake it is my right to decide how to handle it. I would appreciate it for sure but would never hold the "little birdie" accountable for any outcome my actions to change the information may or may not have.
  19. Always pleased to see new members and I shall look forward to reading your contributions!
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