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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Red velvet cupcakes with strawberry butter cream frosting
  2. We have has some heartfelt chat room discussions way back when and I really value your input and your advice. May today be your best birthday ever because you deserve the stars, the moon and the sun!
  3. As I go thru my pre rendez-vous ritual I realized another reason why 15mins don't work for me. I shower, style my hair, apply fresh makeup, choose an outfit, ensure my room and bathroom are clean and watch a bit of tv on the internet. My total time to get ready can sometimes exceed an hour. This is what I like to do to get into the "mood" :) and my mood usually includes some nice conversation, a bit of flirting and some sensuous times :) This can't be accomplished in 15mins and, not to seem harsh, but it's not worth the time I take to prepare
  4. I pretty much never wear panties but open to the above suggestions lol. Sounds fun!
  5. Quite the opposite....I think that the overall theme is that youth need not equal disrespect. I have met some young men that are way more mature than some 50 somethings. Respect and attitude have no age limit and I base my perceptions on the way someone communicates over their physical age :)
  6. As women, I think it is a natural feeling to find something about ourselves that makes us self conscious. Also, as women, it is natural to find something appealing about almost anyone. Physical attributes are not what attract me to someone. I love men and women who are fun, take life for what it is and are willing to explore what turns them on! To me, there are no physical aspects of a woman that turn me off. Women are beautiful creatures no matter what! (unless you are a bitch LOL) Find someone who appeals to you and take it from there. I think you will be pleasantly surprised!
  7. I have been away for a bit so I have been remiss in adding my goddess of the day. Today I have 2. Ms SaraMQ http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=46948 Her charm, her charisma, her sense of humour have me seeking out her wisdom frequently! This pic makes me want to kiss a girl! http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=2920&pictureid=18202 Nicolette Vaughn http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=4180 My beautiful, sexy, sweet duo partner. I can't keep my hand off of this little minx whenever we are together! How could I resist this? http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=4983&pictureid=31872
  8. Oh my Sara, so sorry I missed this thread! You are a very wonderful and exciting part of Cerb. Your posts frequently make my day! I seek you out when I am down and instantly I have a smile on my face! Never quit being you!
  9. Another downfall of the 15min appt is I find that this leads to negotiations re: donations. "So and so does 15mins for $xx.xx can you knock of $xx.xx, if so your on" I don't mean to generalize but this has been my experience and it has turned me off offering this option.
  10. So, I have a food allergy but am always sure to carry an epipen with me. I also always ask if this item could possibly be an ingredient in any dish I order when in a restaurant. Well, Monday night the server failed to fully check to see if indeed this ingredient was used in the preparation of this dish I chose. Needless to say, quite quickly after consuming about a 1/4 of the dish, I get a reaction. Bam goes the epipen into my thigh. Unfortunately, my reaction was too severe for just the epipen. Off to the hospital! Ugg all night Monday and most of the day on Tuesday I lay in a hostpital bed hooked up to an IV looking like Orca with the face of the Elephant Man. Thankfully, today I look pretty much like my normal self and I think the server learned a very valuable lesson on just how important it is when someone expresses an allergy!
  11. It is not cool to negotiate a lady's rate
  12. My answer is find a lady you are interested in and ask :)
  13. I agree with my friend RG. The only form of safe sex is abstinence. Sure, there are activities that are far more risky than others but the fact remains that any interpersonal contact, sexual or not, has a certain amount of risk associated with it.
  14. Meg, you are just too darned young! :) Enjoy it. I think I love u
  15. Haha...I keep finding little stashes from my pet too :)
  16. Sometimes it's the big things, the things that are beyond your control that stress you out. Those things, I have learned to accept and try to find ways to deal with them in a healthy way. It's the small things that always take me down! I have lived thru my fair share of huge setbacks that I have had to live thru but I find myself almost derailed by the little things. Today's stress is a contractor, who was paid a hefty deposit so that service would occur today before 3pm. He arrived 5 mins ago. I have had to ask a very considerate gentleman to come later than his scheduled apt time. I have a very specific routine that I like to follow before and encounter and schedule my time accordingly. This contractor's lack of scheduling and the fact that I had to call him instead of vice versa has me sitting here, on edge, frustrated and STRESSED. So, what are the small things that stress you out?
  17. Seriously? do service people not show up when they are supposed to just to piss you off?????
  18. People who make promises and then don't follow thru!
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