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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I like the smell of a nice body wash. Not a fan of cologne at all.
  2. I have put on my Sens jersey for my avatar so let's hope it's not just a one day event (still mourning the demise of my Bruins :()
  3. I would pay a modest fee for sure...just like those other sites :) Plus, it may be a good way for our wonderful CERB to generate more moulah!
  4. So, every second Thursday I grab a bag and take a walk around the neighbourhood. See, that is paper recycling day and many people do not ensure that their paper products won't fly all over the road and eventually end up against the fence in my backyard! Today, I picked up a scratched Texas Holding ticket. Now, I will be the first to admit that I am a crappy poker player but a cursory glance had me thinking that perhaps this one was a winner. Upon my arrival at home I inspected it further and checked over and over. Yup, sure enough I was pretty sure it was a winner. A quick trip to the closest convenience store and I am now $100 richer! BTW, no signature or any identification was on the ticket or otherwise I would have tried to find the owner. I won't spend it yet just in case I hear any neighbourhood gossip :)
  5. I like Tim Dorsey's quirky sarcasm. Although his books do not necessarily need to be read in chronological order I read them this way. Helps you understand some of the characters as they show up in numerous books. His first is Florida Roadkill.
  6. My son finally has time to come over for dinner :) Out of my huge repetoire of recipes, he chose shephards pie cause that is the meal that makes him think most of home :)
  7. I have received some pics in advance but like Gena, I have never asked for one. I must add that sending a pic of your junk is not endearing LOL
  8. I saw this pic for the first time today and I am in awe of the sexy Katherine!
  9. Based on your comic avatar, this is how I picture you :) Congrats!!!
  10. I like Porthos because he often shares his highlights of the day. Someone so positive must be awesome in person!
  11. I will join the ranks here. Not only in this situation, but any situation which could become volatile, always keep records of any threatening type of correspondence.
  12. It always makes me sad when I hear that a parent, the one person who is supposed to protect us, opts to believe a lie over their own child.
  13. I love that Katherine is so sweet and drama free!
  14. I like Lee cause he's a "ahole" Now, I know that doesn't sound all that great but his sarcasm and quick whit make me smile but I won't tell you who he reminds me of, hence the "ahole" reference....anyhooo, it's all good handsome!
  15. So....an accent or a soft dirty kinda talk eh? You never quit learning :)
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