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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Patiently waiting for a package, knowing it could come at any time but having to shower. I wait and wait and decide that it is safe enough to quickly shower. Not 10mins out of earshot and lo and behold, Mr. Purolator left a notice on my door. Ugg I was really excited :(
  2. Never, EVER, give in to any type of pressure. Be who you are cause you are amazing and no photos could ever capture your true nature. You have created an amazing example of branding and unless you want to switch things up cause you feel the need, you don't have to bow to the pressure. Those who find fault are not those you wish to spend time with!
  3. I really need one of those food processors...making hummus in the blender leads to a nasty burning smell lol
  4. Woohoo...both the Sens and my beloved Bruins are in this year! My pics are soon on their way :)
  5. This actually made me giggle....life sounds so miserable for you (sarcastic) :)
  6. When you very politely direct someone to your website in order for all of his questions to be answered and then don't hear back from him.
  7. Picked up my new vehicle today and I am one week smoke free plus a bonus 3lb loss (yeah 3lbs is a lot for a chick!)
  8. Went with aerius 24hr tablet. Will report back :). Oh yeah bought a netipot as well
  9. Benadryl just isn't cutting it for me anymore. Suggestions pls...runny nose and constant crying eyes are pissing me off!
  10. When I first started, I went with the average. I realized that too low was attracting people that I did not want to spend time with and too high meant that I was missing out on meeting some really great people. I then sat down and decided how many people I wanted to see a week, what hours I wanted to be available and how much I needed to keep up my lifestyle. That is how I determined my rates :)
  11. 2for1 plastic surgery. Yup, just saw a commercial from Starz Plastic Surgery. Pass!
  12. Yes I can see your point. I guess i just assume she would be honest one way or the other :)
  13. The only way you will satisfy your curiosity is to come right out and ask. What's the worst that can happen? Her telling you that she isn't interested wont kill you. And then again you could be pleasantly surprised.
  14. I burnt my arm :( Watching an action packed movie while using an emersion blender is not a great idea. I forgot to let go of the on/off button and pulled the blender up and splattered curry sweet potato soup all over my arm. Ouch! The good news is the soup is AWESOME.
  15. Christy, this IS an important thread. Not all men have SO's or sister etc... Not all men understand the ins and outs of the female cycle. It is a great thread to spread some info and perhaps dispel some misconceptions!
  16. I will reiterate...not all of us have a regular, calendar counting type of menstruation. Nor do all of us have any warning signs of it's impending arrival. This could make for an uncomfortable or unpleasant experience (one I have not yet gone thru, touch wood) so bear in mind that the lady may not have been trying to deceive!
  17. Cometman beat me to it. If your personality shines then that is the most important quality you could possess. Besides, your writing style indicates an intelligence that cannot necessarily be obtained in school.
  18. I agree with Sophia here. The more you try to defend yourself, the worse it get's. Sometimes it's best to just ignore comments that anger you and move on. It's always more admirable to be the bigger person. Besides, thick skin gets you through the shitty parts of life!
  19. Received a certified cheque today for my car which sold in 2 days at the total price I asked for it! Get my new car on Tuesday!!!
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