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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I would like to add that sometimes Mother Nature's "gift" comes without any warning and at an innapropriate time. It is entirely conceivable that she started her period while you were engaged in intercourse.
  2. Ahead and enjoy yourself but always keep the right perspective :)
  3. Well, I truly believe that people will come and go in your life but there is that one special person who will remain; be it a family member, a friend or a partner. I love my parents and my siblings but to be honest, the less interaction the better. Then we are all happy to see/hear from each other without any drama lol. My soulmate, well, we breathe as one :)
  4. In the last couple of years (since my SP debut) I have come to realize that age is just a number. Jerks can be 19 or 70 as can gentlemen. I have met some 20yr olds that are far more mature than some 50yr olds I've met :)
  5. Escorts Canada is a very affordable venue and very easy to use!
  6. I have enjoyed the time I have spent with men from 19 to 70. Short, tall, skinny, large, hairy, bald...makes no difference as long as they are respectful, shiny clean and fun to be with. The intimacy then just comes naturally!
  7. Well, being a native of Halifax I have been trying to decide if I will visit in an SP capacity. I am potentially planning a bit of a NB, NS and PEI tour (personal) and may add in the SP aspect so I would be more than interested in hearing the outcome of this thread!
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