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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Beautiful and oh so classy. Well deserved and I anticipate more of your posts!
  2. I have no idea where you find out someone has reached double god/goddess status but a little birdie told me that my beautiful Nicolette has risen to this wonderful status. You know you are so very important to me and I am happy to have been given the opportunity to be the first to congratulate you. To the beautiful Nikki....you rock my gorgeous friend!
  3. I understood your statement and wish to ad to it by saying that most of the ladies on cerb have websites and very detailed ads which people obviously don't always read :) It was a good reminder that doing your homework can be beneficial in soooo many ways!!!
  4. I usually ask if there are any clothing requests that I may be able to accomodate. Sophia...you can visit me with the PJ's and bunny slippers :) So enticecingly adorable!
  5. At a loss about the negativity here but then again, I tend not to read the whole thread if I get a sniff of negativity. So, I still stand by my post :)
  6. The worse thing that could happen when asking someone about a specific act is that they say no. If you have found someone that you are interested in and their website or ads do not give you a definite yes or no then ask! (but please do your homework and read what they have taken the time to share) If they get snooty about it then I guess that would be someone you do not want to meet.
  7. I like Angela because she is always there for me; even when I didn't realize that I needed her!
  8. I am too impatient so therefor it all comes off!
  9. Well, I won't pretend to know too much about Canadian specific music but I thought that since the song threads are so popular perhaps we could pay homage to our extremely talented Canadian artists. So, name a song and the artist. The next song should start with the first letter of the artists name. "On My Own" Hedley So, next song starts with H
  10. I like RG's kindness, frankness and his common sense! Plus he is a very nice person! :)
  11. Sometimes watching the most god awful comedy gives you the mindless pleasure needed to make you feel a bit better. Danny McBride's crassness was just the ticket!
  12. The way your eyes look the day after a good cry. I have some extra baggage if anyone wants it! LOL
  13. RIP my pretty little golden girl. Your sis and I will miss you!
  14. Sitting on the porch with a nicely chilled glass of Reisling about to tuck into the book about Steve Jobs (I originally wrote tuck into Steve Jobs but that just sounded wrong!) So, thank you....you know who you are!
  15. Thank you so much for sharing. I sobbed watching this and remain teary eyed with relief for this cute pooch!
  16. I created a totally one of a kind meal out of leftovers. Something extremely original and probably can never be duplicated. What a shame cause was so yummy!
  17. A very nice morning interlude! Additional Comments: Oh yes and taking the time to discover what iBooks has to offer!
  18. Let me be blunt. I don't wanna see your junk on cam. I don't want to be asked to appear on cam (if I am in the mood then it will be on but it will never be put on unless I make the decision). I will not engage in "jerk off" chat. The chat room, to me, is a place to get to know one another and to have fun, good old intellectual fun which seems to be dwindling! It's not a sexual surrogate; atleast not to me!!! So...chatting, as Malika stated, used to be fun but now seems to be like the old AOL sex chat room days. Been there; done that; moved on!
  19. Thank you for caring! She has an upper respiratory infection :( but hopefully the antibiotics will kick in soon! Phew, I thought I was going to have to put her down!
  20. Oh yeah, and to the jackass that said I was wasting my time and money on a visit to the vet for my precious little rat .... I won't ever see you again!
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