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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Rogers f'ing Internet! Service is patchy at best today. Sooooo frustrated
  2. I like Phaedrus; why is none of your business!
  3. a book, a tv program, a movie, a song etc... So, your friend tells you about the most awesome (pick one of the above) ever and tells you that you must see/hear it, how do handle it when you think it stinks??? We all have different likes and dislikes and even our closest friends may not share our opinions. Are you so nice that you agree with them? Do you waffle and be non committal? Do you come right out and tell them it's crap? Just curious as this has happened a few times and I wasted my time watching a whole tv series just so that we could relate on that level LOL.
  4. Ummm is the word "donation" not easily understood in this context... "Please visit my website for donation requirements and more information" Should I change it to "my rates" or "my prices" (both which I find kinda crass)? Or are the respondents just lazy????
  5. All the best to you. I admire that you have made a major decision and hope that you enjoy this new adventure to it's fullest!
  6. A gentle reminder that often it needs to be said many many many times for it to sink in. :)
  7. Was introduced to this recently and must say that I am in love with it!!!
  8. I am located in a single home and find that IF there were any questions (never been an issue in the 2 1/2yrs I have been at this location) the explanation would be easy. Besides, people have visitors and I don't have a revolving door lol. Most of the neighbours on this street work. Those who stay home are not typically staring out of the window all day long. If anyone were to ask, the home owner is quite comfortable with telling them that I use her home office. Enough said.
  9. I was a 9-5er for many, many years. I am now happy, relaxed and stress free! I love my life and wouldn't change a thing. This is the most fullfilling "job" I have ever had and I certainly don't feel any regret for no longer using the education I paid so much for LOL. But then again, my education does come in handy quite often.
  10. I am Meg. I am a mother, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, a lover and a friend. I display many OCD tendencies but am fine with it and embrace it. I love to read, to learn, to devour information. I am often short and curt in my written correspondence and therefor will never author anything worth reading. The little things make me happy. I refuse to let depression sneak into my rhealm. I will avoid confrontation at any cost. I love ALL animals and my little ratty girls mean more to me than any human. I thrive on meeting and spending time with new people. I am not a "girly girl" and could spend my life naked. I hate shopping. While sex is extremely important to me, great conversation is a close second. Mmmmm any food product from a pig (no matter how cute) is heaven. I mean come on....bacon, pork chops, ham.... Eventhough I love people and being with them, I abhor telephone conversations. So much so that I tell my parents not to bother until they get home from Florinda in April.....for some reason, email, text and Facebook are ok but telephone calls not so much. Perhaps an OCD thing? Hey, I even text my son as opposed to calling :) While I am not a girly girl, I like my fingers and toes manicured by me...not salon done. My hair is my obsession and rarely does what I want it to. I am me and me is who I love!
  11. Other small things... Garment tags...could they itch more?
  12. That honesty no longer seems to be the best policy. It makes me angry when someone does something wrong and you do the right thing only to have another mad at you for saying anything (especially when it was all anonymous). Anyhow, makes no sense but I feel better now :)
  13. All I can say is like Katherine I am in my 40's sexy as hell and love sex. I choose this as my current profession and am having a blast. I prefer the one on one approach and chose the sector which best suited my personality :)
  14. My iPad Cheesy chick flicks Black nibs Skittles Ketchup chips Crime or suspense novels Funky chunky costume jewelry
  15. Fluffy texture reminds
  16. undercover dildo blueprints
  17. Stocking factory where
  18. All I can say is the more secretive you are the likely I am to agree to disclose my location to you. Trust is a two way street!
  19. Oh my....woulda been the highlight of the month :)
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