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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I was going to suggest that :)
  2. Anticipating my first time skiing. So, tomorrow that will either be my highlight or a thing that sucks :)
  3. That is a good answer. There is room for those who like the recos and those who don't bother with them but if there aren't any some will lose out!
  4. My theory on the TP is that the rolls are smaller to create more recyclable waste. Same with packaging. I hate things that are packaged in plastic, then in cardboard and then in plastic again.
  5. Looking out the window at the backyard from the second floor (which it seems I don't do very often) and seeing not 1 but 4 dead bunnies at the far end of the yard! :( Additional Comments: According to my neighbour who is an eyewitness, this is the little cutie that is killing the bunnies. Had I seen it, I would have thought it was a run away pet! It's called a stoat http://news.softpedia.com/newsImage/Stoats-3-Hours-of-Sex-and-Incest-2.jpg/
  6. Well done! We shall anticipate your future offerings!
  7. Although you and I never corresponded, I am very happy to hear of this new chapter in your life! Enjoy it, devour every moment and never go to bed angry!
  8. I don't see many ladies changing their rates drastically or often. I think what chisty is referring to is to those that don't even bother to inform themselves. If someone asked me if my rates are still the same; cool. If someone asks me how much then I get irritated because it shows that they didn't care enough to find out about who they are seeing.
  9. I read something in another thread where someone commented that there didn't seem to be many new recos as of late. This is a prime example as to why they are so important. They are a great source of info about new ladies as well as long term ladies. All it takes is a few minutes of your time and even just a short line or two is effective!!!
  10. Men don't typically read when horny lmao! Cristy count on this happening a lot and then be pleasantly surprised when u meet the gems that pay attention!
  11. Don't ever feel slighted if she doesn't. Most of us wouldn't because of the reciprocal unwritten rule of discretion :)
  12. It is an unfortunate truth that the only actions you can control are your own. The only real way to ensure 100% anonymity is to have zero visual presence online which is quite hard to accomplish when you are in our line of work. I do not show my face or any particularly identifiable pose when posting pics. I have yet to be hunted down on facebook lol :)
  13. Confidence in one's self. Each and every person has the ability to exude sexuality once they realize that it doesn't matter what others think, it's how they feel about themselves! People of any hair colour, ethnicity, body shape, height, weight etc... will be sexy if they believe that they are!
  14. When I first started this adventure, I owned a business. I put the number of every male I knew in my phone so that I could be aware of who was calling and not answer. Well, one busy afternoon, I had my megphone and my personal phone in my purse. I quickly looked at the caller and noticed it was the office so I answered with my typical "hey". Then, realization set in! It was my megphone. OMG!!!! Thank god I realized it before I responded to the very familiar voice of one of my managers! To sum it up, I wouldn't want a co-worker to request a visit!
  15. The highlight of my weekend was spending two lovely evenings with a lovely gent from out of town and finding out that lamb really is quite good! :)
  16. Having someone request "two half hour appts - back to back". What a cute way to leave a tip!
  17. Pretty sure u can ban/ignore him while u wait for mod. It is a function under user cp
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