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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Coming up with the all time best comeback to a stupid text message :)
  2. How did I miss this? Congratulations and I anticipate 2,500 more wonderful posts!
  3. I don't know Katherine but I do believe we would hit it off. She is nice and genuine.
  4. I really believe that a reco is warranted for both sp's and mp's/ma's if you had a good time. Not only is it good for business, it's great for the ole ego! Yes, we enjoy the praise! And I agree that short and sweet is perfectly ok; just knowing you had a good time is uplifting.
  5. This scene makes me roar no matter how often I watch it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JAis-ATxnc
  6. Met a wonderful, sexy, intelligent, funny cerb member.
  7. I haven't participated in this thread (or maybe once; too lazy to check lol) but I am watching Whitney right now and laughed my ass off at this line from John Cleese's character.... "As I dig thru the salad of words for the crouton of truth." Gotta love the Cleese and now, I gotta love the Whitney!
  8. Skittles!!!! Could be part of things that suck cause now I have an addiction thanks to one who shall be nameless! But...yummo!!!
  9. While I am quite flexible, my legs being held above my head for more than a few minutes means I will hurt when I walk tomorrow! :)
  10. Winning a contract that will utilize my creativity and provide me with a great sense of satisfaction!
  11. I like Lee cause he is funny, cute, and, intelligent! Great combo
  12. Well I really don't know gena other than a brief convo in chat. She seems sweet and I liked that!
  13. Yes, just breathe! Shyness goes both ways and, actually, those butterflies in the pit of your stomach are pretty exciting and can actually enhance the encounter!
  14. Personally, I feel #3 looks the like the healthiest. She is by no means overweight and I shudder to think that people believe someone who looks like her is obese!
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