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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Thank you everyone, I had no idea :) Glad to be in such good company!
  2. I would like to thank everyone for all of the wonderful birthday wishes!
  3. Damn was close! 49ers made a valiant effort My Pats all the way!
  4. Got both...want em? they are in my garage :)
  5. Psst....just a frame of mind (or so I like to tell myself) :)
  6. With my impending Bday, I am remembering my youth and that of my son's. The biggest part of the party was the loot bag. I remember my mother putting more thought into IT than into my present LOL. I was probably guilty of the same thing. So, as an adult, what would be the best (keep in mind a loot bag is supposed to be filled with unexpensive items) things to find in such a bag? What would you put in it for your guests / what would you like to find in it if you are the guest?
  7. Lana, it all comes down to this...the person who negotiates is the one who loses out on a great time!
  8. No description required, no comment needed. Just state something about yourself that you just realized. I used to think that I was very short.
  9. I think that alot of ladies would fit the bill but you need to contact them via PM (or their preferred contact method) Just find a lady to your licking (oops liking) and ask!
  10. WIT, you beat me to it. If on the phone, I am pleasant but firm. If via email, I always end the comment with a smiley. If they persist, I tell them that I find it very rude and end the conversation. If a regular/repeat requested a discount, I would be polite but to be honest, I would feel very disrespected! My worst experience was with someone I had seen only once before. He claimed that he saw an ad where I was offering a half hour for $100. I told him that he must be mistaken. He continued to force the issue (and still occasionally texts me) and I finally had to tell him to no longer contact me.
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