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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. All I can say is I make a kick ass meatloaf. Actually many different ones. Btw OD I created a low fat cabbage roll tonight :)
  2. I like Andy primarily because he lives in my hometown so he must be awesome!
  3. Let's just say, she felt silly but it was a great laugh. PS...she says keep her number :)
  4. Well now, it's about bloody time! Just kidding....congrats my friend!
  5. So, I found a free program...a bit clunky but does the job! http://www.watermark-image.com/
  6. Way to go Ange! Finally getting my home office out of the basement and with the help of a cerbie, figured out how to hook up my old desktop to the internet! :)
  7. My needs are pretty basic, I just want to be able to add a watermark to my pictures. I have photoscape but the only thing I can do that is similar to a watermark is use the "balloon" function and opaque it but it looks awful. So, any suggestions?
  8. Have you ever spoken to anyone at Rogers? LOL think I will try it on my own to start so that my hair stays on my head! Additional Comments: You are the absolute bestest!!!! It worked and I am still sane! :)
  9. Watched Source Code twice and loved it. Think I may watch one more time to pick up stuff I missed. Also loved Adjustment Bureau.
  10. Well earned even though you cause many drinks to exit uncomfortably thru certain orifices.
  11. I am sure you have all seen this a million times but, really, whoever doesn't laugh at this has no sense of humour. I watch it when I need to be cheered up! A close second is this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQcVllWpwGs
  12. K after reading this guys site, I laughed out loud. That is absolutely awesome and I have some great ideas brewing! OH NO!
  13. Babies giggling Funny animal videos Scary Movie Call Me Fitz Superbad National Lampoon's My pet' clepto behavior And the list goes on
  14. Well, I believe everything I read and everything told to me. Just yesterday I found out what 12" really is and that I need a new ruler.
  15. Long story short, I have a dinosaur of a desktop that I need to hook up to the internet. I have it plugged in and the icon at the bottom right says that it is connected but when I start up explorer it says that there is no internet connection. What do I do????
  16. OD always has my back and can see thru the nonsense!
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