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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I hope your kitty gets better soon!
  2. Isn't there a rule about that? Anyhow, I would never turn you down :)
  3. Receiving a text from a wonderful person at just the right moment!!!!!!
  4. Purchasing a pre-paid mastercard only to find out the cashier didn't properly initialize it!
  5. I agree 100%. Instead of resolutions, I have wishes and hopes :)
  6. On the threads :) Find something that interests you and post a comment :)
  7. You are very deserving of this honour!!!
  8. I am sorry but an entity is the sum of all it's parts. No disrespect to u pp (your valiant effort with the Xmas spirit did not go unnoticed) but to those who complain after the fact, well perhaps u should have tried to change the atmosphere sooner! To one and all a very Merry Christmas.
  9. I must ad that it's not solely the ladies creating this atmosphere. Just for the record.
  10. It's a pity and you will be missed. Unfortunately, cyber-land mimics real life and we all know that real life has it's ups and downs. Hopefully you will discover the fun again at a later date. All the best to you, your family and your loved ones this holiday season! :)
  11. Your post belongs in the highlights of my day :) Additional Comments: On to the sucky part....finding THE most amazing recipe and forgetting to save it in your favorites before clearing your cookies!
  12. I am so sorry to hear of your loss but I am very happy to hear that no one was injured. Despite this setback, I hope you can have a Merry Christmas surrounded by your loved ones. All the best in the New Year!
  13. Jewellery all the way...not sure if she is a fan of the current fad of big fake rings but...me loves ;)
  14. Eating....your food may smell wonderful to you but that mess in your tupperware container is really offensive!
  15. Sky is beautiful, so very intelligent, insightful, strong but yet fragile and truly a special lady :)
  16. I want this...perhaps our resident baker (Mistert) could come up with a recipe?
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