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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. LMAO awesome Malika, how on earth did you come up with that?
  2. Feeling empowered enough to deal with an issue that has been plagueing me for awhile. GIRL POWER. Ahhhhh the satisfaction :)
  3. It's easier to lose a friend than it is to lose an enemy.
  4. Ahhh but if my partner is able to make me forget......
  5. Honestly, if I was a teller at your bank and u took the time to think of a gift I would like I would be most appreciative. If I was your real estate agent, I would appreciate it. If I was your child's teacher I would appreciate it. I would never expect it but I would never not appreciate it! An apple, a note, flowers or something special u know I would like. It's the thought that counts. And if u can't afford it a massage :) LMAO
  6. Umm I think the positives far out way the negatives lol
  7. What RG said about Isabella is exactly the way I feel about them both. RG you are a very special person and I feel blessed to know you :)
  8. Cum, sit, stay, lick? Sorry couldn't resist
  9. When my baby was still with me my mom always bought him one of those xmas baskets at the pet store. It was filled with treats and toys. She would wrap it all up and we all got joy watching him find his present and rip it open. It was the cutest thing...he was always the first the choose his present. He would sit, impatiently waiting for his cue to go and seek it out. Gingerly, he would sift thru the pile and easily find his. He would grab it and take it to his mat and then slowly open it...he never ate the wrapping paper which amazed us :) Ahhhh great, but sad memory
  10. Not sure how uptodate this is but... http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=43237&highlight=Official
  11. Happy Bday to the beautiful Sky...may your day be filled with rainbows :)
  12. This is the selfish version. We all want good things for our families and others but what do you really hope to get as a gift this year? Mine is pretty simple. I would like a good old fashioned, somewhat snazy daytimer :) and an XBox or Wi or similar
  13. Yup...I sing too although not as well as Carrie :) I play a mediocre piano and an abysmal guitar :) My real talent is drawing although I am very rusty.
  14. Loosing your phone :( Thankfully I had enough reward points to pay for my new phone but still had to fork out $35.00 to transfer. Also, I lost all of my contacts .... so all you nice friends out there who allowed me to save your numbers ... send me a text :) Additional Comments: After spending time and money....finding your phone! LOL
  15. It took me awhile to even look at this thread because I thought it was a glowing report. While it is a great alternative to drinking and driving, they need to get their priorities in order! Email of complaint on the way!!!!!!!! Yes, a bitchy meg does exist.
  16. Once again, all of the important stuff happens when I am not online! Berlin...no one deserves the honor more than you!
  17. As far as I am concerned u can have as many as you are able to in a half hour or in four hours. I don't really see what the issue is with msog and why it is such a big deal. I mean seriously, it's ultimately about the O most times so no need to mask the fact. :)
  18. How about receiving an email stating that he will call when he passes it.
  19. When the gentleman you are with apologizes for just having swallowed your earring.
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