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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. I go thru laptops like disposable razors. My rec is to spend the extra $$$ and get a Mac!
  2. Hmmm....set up a mobile sybian and you may be on to something LOL
  3. I am in my 40's and in my opinion have never looked better nor felt more sexual! Horniness is at an all time high and I just see it getting better! The day I don't feel sexy is the day I will stop and I don't see that happening any time soon! Additional Comments: As would I!!!
  4. Walking into a meeting and realizing one of the partners is a regular. Whew, he didn't see me :)
  5. I like Lee cause Lee likes me :) He is a wonderful person full of joy and spontaneity!
  6. Frostproof Florida (last 5 years they've had frost)
  7. I love Penelope's strength and conviction.
  8. I respond to everything pretty much immediately but...my response is equal to your message. If u r an ass I am a bitch. :)
  9. I state clearly in all of my advertisements that I prefer a text or an email. It is there in black and white. If you send a PM I may eventually get to it and I may even respond to what I perceive as a rude PM (you may not like the answer however). It all comes down to the fact that the majority of the ladies will indicate their preferred method of contact. Unfortunately, not all hobbiest seem to be able to comply. Not sure why that is...lack of attention (not able to read to the end of the ad), inflated ego (perhaps we will make an exception just for you), drug or alcohol induced bravado (eventhough we say we are only avail until 10pm we will make an exception for you), or just plain ignorance. Sorry, we don't mean to be difficult but we too have lives. We advertise our availability and our preferred methods of contact in order to accomodate reasonable requests. It's a two way street where respect should be given and received. Forget the stereotypical depiction of a prostitute cause you won't find it here. We are individuals with a REAL life and deserve to be respected! Sorry...a further comment...I always reply promptly...unfortunately, alot of gents leave a hanging tchad!
  10. Well deserved! Your posts are always so very insightful!
  11. Umm you don't like to write reviews but yet are leery to see someone without any? Also, if you are more than 95% satisfied what would be the point in indicating any negatives? Can you not just be happy with the great time you had? Sorry if this sounds harsh but typing on an iPhone is still challenging for me.
  12. READ!!!! Don't book an appt and THEN ask for donation requirements, restrictions etc... I would say that most ladies either post their info in their ads and if not they include links to their websites. Some of us utilize the "about me" tab to explain as much as we can. Don't be lazy...get your ducks in a row and everyone will have a much more satisfying time!
  13. Agreed....was just pointing out the fact that if you don't want the risk, don't play; either in the escort world or in the bar scene. But yes, it is a responsible act to inform yourself using accurate information. On your next visit to your doctor, start a dialogue about STI's as well as using the net (just be mindful that not everything you read is true)
  14. Actually, the only safe sexual practise is complete abstinence....or masturbation.
  15. Well said ange and wit. If your apology is to be viewed as sincere you must be willing to own up to the original comment. In the future, leave your original post intact and then either defend yourself or apologize. Credibility is based on it. Just my two cents.
  16. Very well said! Although I fear that now, because of this skewed view, those of us who respond may be viewed as revolving door operators. I am of the belief that the ladies who post on Cerb have their well being as well as mental and physical health as a top priority. Monetary gain does not negate these basic needs. How we choose to model our business, it is our decision and at our discretion and is NO one's concern but our own. Do your homework and get a feel for the type of PEOPLE we are. Yes, we are people with real lives, real families and real friends. Why would we jeopardize any of this? Yup, insulting for sure.
  17. Hate, hate, hate 15min appts. Only offer to a select few regulars who occasionally request it.
  18. It seems that whenever I am asked, I can't remember the person the lady is talking about. Give me a heads up...then I will remember you and can favorably recommend you! I don't always equate the Cerb handle with the actual person so a quick PM helps alot!
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