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Meg O'Ryan

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Meg O'Ryan

  1. Waiting for the bus at the Rideau Centre with your music blaring in your ears and dancing around :)
  2. Silly, flirty, out of the blue texts from someone I can't wait to meet!
  3. My reasoning is that I require you to call me from a specific location just prior to our encounter. I am not about to give out my address unless this is complied with. But, I wouldn't turn someone down who called from a verifiable landline either. That shows trust and therefor I would feel comfortable disclosing my location.
  4. I like last minute but with an hr notice. :)
  5. I like they way castle is so straight forward! Pretty much a turn on!
  6. Having someone send you a PM just to say he is thinking of you :)
  7. Splooge, Splooge, Splooge I like mr g cause even though he is a newbie he is quickly making us all smile!
  8. Opening all of the windows to let in some fresh air only to smell manure about 20mins later. Ugg need to get some Febreeze. Not sure if all of Ottawa smells like this today but east end Orleans does...Blah!!!
  9. Oops so I like Katherine because she is truly nice.
  10. This is a hard one. Everyone is wired differently so how to broach the subject is a not a very straight forward affair. How well do you know her, her values, her wants and desires? Ultimately, if you are not looking for a relationship then you should be ready for a no thank you and the possibility of loosing a friend. Alternatively, she could be all for it. You must also think of the fact that perhaps she may say yes with the ulterior motive of creating something more. It's a tricky situation for sure!
  11. You are just so gosh darn cute....I wanna hug you and squeeze you and hold you tight :)
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