Remember this is still third party information. I never pass judgement unless I am present and involved in the situation. Other wise its me making up my mind on a situation that I actually have no real proof of.
Maybe there was a child present, maybe there wasn't.
Everyone seemed to be jumping on the moral band wagon, of protecting a child, when in reality no one actually knows if the child was even there.
Remember the game of telephone... Change one word and change the meaning of the whole focus of the question.
Regardless of the situation, posting a thread like this is in bad taste. This tread doesn't promote safety for the "child", it in fact notifies a large community of where to find a child possibly left alone ( dangerous ).
If you where truly bothered by this, I would have asked your "friend" for her email and emailed her directly about the concerns involving incalls and a child.
Concerns should be about the child in question, and only the child in question....
Just a thought....