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tongue twister

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Everything posted by tongue twister

  1. Nicolette Vaughn has a very soft sensual sexy voice. In the past when I have booked an appointment and heard her voice I could hardly wait. The appointment could not come soon enough. T.T.
  2. I agree I miss Hotwife Katie. Definitly one of the best.
  3. You mean thats not my cheerios making that noise at the breakfast table. A few more You write a note to yourself so you don't forget something then forget where you left the note. The main roads around your home were dirt. The biggest question surrounding Bert and Ernie was who was your favorite not like now it is are they gay.
  4. When April Wine did not have to play at fairs to earn a living. T.T.
  5. Glad to hear you have lost some of what you want keep it up you will do it. T.T.
  6. Never Say Never This is one that over the last few years I have learned that circumstances change and things you thought you would never do, you end up doing. Regardless of if its rite or wrong, good or bad. T.T.
  7. Aslight or medium tan is nice but a fair complexion works for me as well. Really dark tans that looked liked an over cooked turkey not a fan of them. I had a friend once over tanned and that how it looked like an over cooked turkey.
  8. Best Wishes in your recovery. Stay strong you will prevail. My thoughts will be with you. T.T.
  9. Thanks for the heads up on this Roaming Guy, it will be interesting to see what they offer. T.T.
  10. April Dawn you are not alone in your addiction millions have the same interest. Its how the publications like National Enquirer, The Star, or productions like TMZ etc stay in businessT.T.
  11. You are not wrong at all. You should have been paid the usual. I think he may have taken advantage of the situation as it was at his place of business and knew that as respectful as you are that you would not create a scene. T.T.
  12. Rocker of course may need your help with the face painting. Not sure if I can pull off the type of boots he wears.
  13. I remeber exactly where I was. It was brought to my attention that a plane had hit the tower turned to the news station and we listened all day. Was not until I got home and actually seen the footage how disturbing it actually was. To all those who passed in the tragedy may they R.I.P. And my thanks goes out to Firefighters,Paramedics,and Police Officers everywhere. T.T.
  14. That just proves you are Canadian. EH One of mine is. What the ...........(insert your choice of words here) T.T.
  15. I read the cat was out of the bag because wedding invitations began to circulate. Waiting on mine.
  16. Did this today it really sucks wet foot prints to the towel closet. T.T.
  17. Interesting question I have often wondered this myself. Glad to get some insight into S.P.'s opinions on this. As for stores who don't accept $50 or $100 bills is this not legal currency and a risk of doing business. What if you purchase something not knowing they don't accept larger bills and only had a $50 or $100 bill. What would happen if you purchase $30 in gas and went in and paid in pennies could they deny it the penny is still legal currency. T.T.
  18. Some I watch over and over Primal Fear Goodfellas The Peacemaker (Clooney Kidman) The Sting Tommy Boy Smokey and The Bandit (The first was the best) L.A Confidential T.T.
  19. Congrats Cleo. Heres to you purrrrrrring all the time and making us purrrrrr as well. T.T. Dave
  20. The Bee Gees, How Can You Mend A Broken Heart. Not sure if I have even heard this song, if I have just never knew the title or band.
  21. As I write this my black cat is laying behind me. So far I have never had any bad luck/experiences on Friday the 13th knock on wood. Also heard that this is the one and only Friday 13th all year.
  22. Best of luck with this. It can be done and you will do it. I have quit I do miss it at times but am glad I did the benefits outweigh the negatives by far.
  23. Will be 5 years off booze at the end of the month and 5 years off cigarettes in the fall. Not sure if I can be of support as I quit both cold turkey.
  24. When I make contact at first via a PM I will sign at the end T.T. or the full Tongue Twister but will also leave my first name along with it. Then after first contact or visit I will usually use my first name. Just my preference.
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